Web function | Short description of function |
MnAbs | Returns the absolute value of a real number |
MnAcos | Returns the (principal) arccosine of a real number |
MnAdd | Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the '+' operator |
MnAddConstantToSeries | Returns a series formed by adding a constant to another series |
MnAppendArray | Appends second array onto (i.e. following) first array |
MnApplyGeometricSpreadToSeries | Returns a series formed by applying a geometric spread to another series |
MnApplyPriorityWaterfall | Returns an array corresponding to fractions of tranches satisfied in a priority ladder or 'waterfall' |
MnApplyPriorityWaterfall2 | Returns an array corresponding to fractions of tranches owned by different investor categories satisfied in a priority ladder or 'waterfall' |
MnArithmeticallySpacedArray | Returns a series whose elements are equally spaced (arithmetically) |
MnArrayAdd | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 plus element of Array2 |
MnArrayDivide | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 divided by element of Array2 |
MnArrayMultiply | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 multiplied by element of Array2 |
MnArraySubtract | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 minus element of Array2 |
MnAsc | Returns the (Ascii) character code of the first character of InputString |
MnAsin | Returns the (principal) arcsine of a real number |
MnAtan | Returns the (principal) arctangent of a real number |
MnAtan2 | Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y-coordinates |
MnBaseNArrayToNonNegativeInteger | Returns an integer equal to that represented in digit form |
MnBaseNArrayToString | Returns a string representation of an unsigned integer given by a digit array in a given number base |
MnBaseNString2Dec | Converts a string in base n form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnBeta | Returns the value of the beta function |
MnBeta4DistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution |
MnBeta4DistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the beta distribution |
MnBeta4Inv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the beta distribution |
MnBetaDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the (standard) beta distribution |
MnBetaDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the (standard) beta distribution |
MnBetaInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the (standard) beta distribution |
MnBin2Dec | Converts a string in binary form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnBinaryNumerals | Returns a string array containing a list of the binary numerals |
MnBinomialCdf | Returns the value of the cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution |
MnBinomialPmf | Returns the value of the probability mass function for the binomial distribution |
MnBitAnd | Carries out a bit-wise AND operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBitLShift | Shifts a number in string binary format to the left |
MnBitOr | Carries out a bit-wise OR operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBitRShift | Shifts a number in string binary format to the right |
MnBitXor | Carries out a bit-wise XOR operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBivariateNormalDistribution | Returns the value of the cumulative unit bivariate normal distribution function |
MnBlendedPCAICA | Returns the blended principal components/independent components extracted from several simultaneous data series |
MnBoxCoxSeriesTransform | Returns the Box-Cox transform of a series |
MnBrowserFeatureDescriptions | Returns a 2d array returning a list of recognised browser feature names and descriptions of these features |
MnBSBinaryCallCharm | Returns the 'Charm' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallColour | Returns the 'Colour' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallDelta | Returns the 'Delta' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallGamma | Returns the 'Gamma' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallPayoff | Returns the 'Payoff' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallPrice | Returns the 'Price' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallRhoDividend | Returns the 'RhoDividend' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallRhoInterest | Returns the 'RhoInterest' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallSpeed | Returns the 'Speed' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallTheta | Returns the 'Theta' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallVanna | Returns the 'Vanna' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallVega | Returns the 'Vega' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryCallVolga | Returns the 'Volga' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutCharm | Returns the 'Charm' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutColour | Returns the 'Colour' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutDelta | Returns the 'Delta' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutGamma | Returns the 'Gamma' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutPayoff | Returns the 'Payoff' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutPrice | Returns the 'Price' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutRhoDividend | Returns the 'RhoDividend' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutRhoInterest | Returns the 'RhoInterest' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutSpeed | Returns the 'Speed' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutTheta | Returns the 'Theta' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutVanna | Returns the 'Vanna' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutVega | Returns the 'Vega' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSBinaryPutVolga | Returns the 'Volga' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCall | Returns the value/price of a European-style call option (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallCharm | Returns the Charm (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallColour | Returns the Colour (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallDelta | Returns the Delta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallGamma | Returns the Gamma (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallPayoff | Returns the Payoff (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallPrice | Returns the Price (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallRhoDividend | Returns the RhoDividend (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallRhoInterest | Returns the RhoInterest (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallSpeed | Returns the Speed (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallTheta | Returns the Theta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallVanna | Returns the Vanna (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallVega | Returns the Vega (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSCallVolga | Returns the Volga (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPut | Returns the value/price of a put option (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutCharm | Returns the Charm (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutColour | Returns the Colour (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutDelta | Returns the Delta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutGamma | Returns the Gamma (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutPayoff | Returns the Payoff (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutPrice | Returns the Price (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutRhoDividend | Returns the RhoDividend (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutRhoInterest | Returns the RhoInterest (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutSpeed | Returns the Speed (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutTheta | Returns the Theta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutVanna | Returns the Vanna (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutVega | Returns the Vega (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnBSPutVolga | Returns the Volga (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world) |
MnCAbs | Returns the absolute value or modulus of a complex number |
MnCAcos | Returns the inverse cosine of a complex number |
MnCAcosh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a complex number |
MnCAcot | Returns the inverse cotangent of a complex number |
MnCAcoth | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number |
MnCAdd | Returns the sum of two complex numbers |
MnCArg | Returns the argument of a complex number |
MnCartesianToPolar | Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as an array |
MnCartesianToPolar2 | Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as two separate values |
MnCAsin | Returns the inverse sine of a complex number |
MnCAsinh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number |
MnCAtan | Returns the inverse tangent of a complex number |
MnCAtanh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number |
MnCCCall | Returns the price of a European call under the 'cost of capital' model |
MnCConjugate | Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number |
MnCCos | Returns the cosine of a complex number |
MnCCosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number |
MnCCot | Returns the cotangent of a complex number |
MnCCoth | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number |
MnCCPut | Returns the price of a European put under the 'cost of capital' model |
MnCCsc | Returns the cosecant of a complex number |
MnCDivide | Returns the result of dividing one complex number by another |
MnCeiling | Rounds a number towards positive infinity |
MnCellFormulaA1StyleRangeConcatenate | Returns text of a formula to concatenate cell values together |
MnCellReferenceA1Style | Returns text of a cell reference (A1-style) |
MnCExp | Returns the exponential function of a complex number |
MnCGamma | Returns the value of the Gamma function for a complex number |
MnChiDist | Returns the right tail cumulative distribution function (i.e. 1 - cdf) for the chi-squared distribution |
MnChiInv | Returns the right tail inverse cdf (i.e. quantile of 1-q) of the chi-squared distribution |
MnChiSqDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function for the chi-squared distribution |
MnChiSqDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the chi-squared distribution |
MnChiSqInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the chi-squared distribution |
MnChiSqTest | Returns the confidence level applicable to a chi-squared statistical test |
MnChiSqTestDoF | Returns the number of degrees of freedom applicable to a chi-squared statistical test |
MnChiSqTestStatistic | Returns the test statistic of a chi-squared statistical test |
MnCholeskyDecomposition | Returns the Cholesky decomposition of a square matrix |
MnChr | Returns the character corresponding to the (Ascii) character code CharCode |
MnCImag | Returns the imaginary part of a complex number |
MnCLog | Returns the log of a complex number |
MnCMultiply | Returns the product of two complex numbers |
MnConcat | Returns the concatenation of two (string) values. Equivalent to the '&' operator |
MnConcatenate | Returns the concatenation of all of the entries in InputStringArray |
MnConfidenceLevelKurtApproxIfNormal | Returns the (approx) confidence level for sample skew, under null hypothesis that distribution is Normal |
MnConfidenceLevelSkewApproxIfNormal | Returns the (approx) confidence level for sample skew, under null hypothesis that distribution is Normal |
MnConfidenceNorm | Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution |
MnConfidenceT | Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution |
MnConstrainedQuadraticOptimiser | Returns a vector characterising the minimum value a given quadratic loss function |
MnConstrainedQuadraticPortfolioOptimiser | Returns a vector characterising the portfolio weights of a mean-variance optimal portfolio |
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToLogRelativeReturns | Returns an array of logged relative returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously) |
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToLogReturns | Returns an array of logged returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously) |
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToRelativeReturns | Returns an array of relative returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously) |
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToReturns | Returns an array of returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously) |
MnConvertDateArrayToDoubleArray | Returns an array of Double variables from Date variables (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDateToDouble | Returns a Double variable from a Date variable (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDoubleArrayToDateArray | Returns an array of Date variables from Double variables (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDoubleToDate | Returns a Date variable from a Double variable (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertIntegerArrayToDoubleArray | Returns an array of Double variables from Integer variables |
MnConvertIntegerToDouble | Returns a Double variable from an Integer variable |
MnConvertUnit | Returns the value in one ((simple) physical unit of a value in another (simple) physical unit |
MnConvertUnitCompatibles | Returns an array of all phyiscal units recognised by the website compatible with the input physical unit |
MnConvertUnitFromSI | Converts a unit value in the corresponding SI physical unit to a unit value in the selected physical unit |
MnConvertUnitGeneral | Returns the value in one (compound) physical unit of a value in another (compound) physical unit |
MnConvertUnitSIEquivalent | Returns the SI equivalent of a given physical unit |
MnConvertUnitToSI | Converts a unit value in the selected physical unit to a unit value in the corresponding SI physical unit |
MnConvertUnitToSIExplanation | Provides an expanation for why a physical unit converts to/from SI units in the manner used by the website |
MnConvertUnitToSIFactor | Converts a unit value in the selected physical unit to a unit value in the equivalent SI unit |
MnConvertUnitType | Returns the type of unit that a measurement unit is (e.g. if it is a SI unit) |
MnCornishFisher4 | Returns an array derived using the Cornish Fisher (4th moment) asymptotic expansion |
MnCorrelation | Returns the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between two series |
MnCorrelations | Returns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the correlation matrix |
MnCorrespondingSpouseMortalityTableName | Returns the name of the spouse's mortality table that typically corresponds to the given underlying mortality table |
MnCos | Returns the cosine of a real number |
MnCosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a real number |
MnCot | Returns the cotangent of a real number |
MnCoth | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a real number |
MnCountArray | Returns the number of entries in the (numerical) InputArray |
MnCountBooleanArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountDateArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountIntegerArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountSetOfMembersOfArray | Returns number of distinct members in InputArray |
MnCountSetOfMembersOfDateArray | Returns number of distinct members in InputArray |
MnCountSetOfMembersOfIntegerArray | Returns number of distinct members in InputArray |
MnCountSetOfMembersOfStringArray | Returns number of distinct members in InputArray |
MnCountsOfArray | Returns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (numerical) array |
MnCountsOfDateArray | Returns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (date) array |
MnCountsOfIntegerArray | Returns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (integer) array |
MnCountsOfStringArray | Returns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (string) array |
MnCountStringArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCovariance | Returns the (sample) covariance between two series |
MnCovariances | Returns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the (sample) covariance matrix |
MnCPower | Returns the result of raising one complex number by another |
MnCReal | Returns the real part of a complex number |
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatedElement | Returns an array that includes the same element repeated n times |
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatingElements | Returns an array that involves sets of repeated elements arranged after each other |
MnCsc | Returns the cosecant of a real number |
MnCsch | Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a real number |
MnCSec | Returns the secant of a complex number |
MnCSin | Returns the sine of a complex number |
MnCSinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number |
MnCSqrt | Returns the square root of a complex number |
MnCSubtract | Returns the difference between two complex numbers |
MnCTan | Returns the tangent of a complex number |
MnCTanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number |
MnCubeRoot | Returns the cube root of a (real) number |
MnCumulativeNormal | Returns the value of the cumulative unit normal distribution function for a given distribution point |
MnCumulativeSeries | Returns the cumulative values of an ordered series |
MnDAAnovaOneAnalysis | Returns the results of a one factor Analysis of Variance |
MnDAAnovaOneSummary | Returns summary of input data applicable to a one factor Analysis of Variance |
MnDAAnovaTwoWithAnalysis | Returns the results of a two factor Analysis of Variance (with replication) |
MnDAAnovaTwoWithoutAnalysis | Returns the results of a two factor Analysis of Variance (without replication) |
MnDAAnovaTwoWithoutSummary | Returns summary of input data applicable to a two factor Analysis of Variance (without replication) |
MnDAAnovaTwoWithSummary | Returns summary of input data applicable to a two factor Analysis of Variance (with replication) |
MnDACorrelations | Returns the (lower triangular) correlation matrix between a collection of series |
MnDACovariances | Returns the (lower triangular) (population) covariance matrix between a collection of series |
MnDAExponentialSmoothing | Returns the result of applying an exponential smoothing to a data series |
MnDAFTest | Returns the result of applying an F test to two series |
MnDAMovingAverage | Returns the result of applying a moving average algorithm to a data series |
MnDateAdd | Returns the result of adding a set number of time intervals to a date/time |
MnDateAndTimeSerial | Returns a date given separate inputs for year, month, day, hour, minute and second |
MnDateDiff | Returns the number of time intervals between two dates/times |
MnDateDiffFull | Returns the number of time intervals between two dates/times, potentially including weekly data |
MnDatePart | Returns the relevant time part of a date/time |
MnDatePartFull | Returns the relevant time part of a date/time, potentially including weekly data |
MnDateSerial | Returns a date given separate inputs for year, month and day |
MnDateValue | Returns a date given a single string input |
MnDATTestEqual | Returns the result of applying a Student's t test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have equal variance |
MnDATTestPaired | Returns the result of applying a Student's t test to the difference of paired data |
MnDATTestUnequal | Returns the result of applying a Student's t test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have unequal variance |
MnDay | Returns the day of a given date/time |
MnDAZTest | Returns the result of applying a z test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have known variances |
MnDec2BaseNString | Converts an (unsigned) integer to an arbitrary number base (from 2 to 36) |
MnDec2Bin | Converts an (unsigned) integer to binary form |
MnDec2Hex | Converts an (unsigned) integer to hexadecimal form |
MnDec2Oct | Converts an (unsigned) integer to octal form |
MnDecimalNumerals | Returns a string array containing a list of the decimal numerals |
MnDegreeToRadian | Returns the value in radians of an input value in degrees |
MnDemoTSMC | Returns an array containing estimated portfolio value, estimated (run-off) quantile and estimated control variate variance ratio |
MnDemoTSMCSimGen | Returns an array of simulations for use with DemoTSMC |
MnDemoTSMCStrikes | Returns the strikes of the instruments used by DemoTSMC |
MnDemoTSMCTerms | Returns the terms of the instruments used by DemoTSMC |
MnDemoTSMCUnderlyings | Returns codes for the underlyings of the instruments used by DemoTSMC |
MnDemoTSMCValueAnalytical | Returns analytically calculated value of portfolio used by DemoTSMC |
MnDemoTSMCValueSim | Returns an array of payoff present values for DemoTSMC |
MnDesmooth_AR1 | Returns an array of desmoothed values |
MnDesmooth_AR1_rho | Returns desmoothing parameter for an array |
MnDevSq | Returns the sum of the squared deviations of a set of values |
MnDigamma | Returns the value of the digamma (i.e. first derivative of the log gamma) function |
MnDivide | Returns the result of dividing one number by another. Equivalent to the '/' operator |
MnDNSHostAddressList | Returns a list of IP addresses associated with a given host name |
MnDNSHostName | Returns the Host Name of a given IP address |
MnDoesArrayHaveMode | Returns true if the array has a unique mode (i.e. a value which it takes more than any others), otherwise returns false |
MnE | Returns the base of natural logarithms, i.e. e |
MnEigenvalueSpreadsForRandomMatrices | Returns (sorted) maximum values of eigenvalues we would expect to see for a covariance matrix derived from independent, identically distributed (Gaussian) random variables |
MnEQ | Returns true if two numbers are equal. Equivalent to the '=' operator |
MnErf | Returns the error function |
MnErfc | Returns the complementary error function |
MnErgodicProbabilities | Returns the ergodic (long run) probabilities of a system characterised by a Markov chain being in given states |
MnErrorFromValueWithBracketedError | Returns the error element of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term |
MnEvaluate | Evaluates an expression |
MnEvaluateExpressions | Evaluates a set of expressions ('all at once'), returning the results for selected expressions |
MnEvaluateExpressionsMultiValues | Evaluates a set of expressions ('all at once') for multiple values of a given variable, returning the results for selected expressions |
MnEvaluateExpressionsUsing | Evaluates a set of expression for a given set of substituted variables, returning the results for selected expressions |
MnEvaluateMultiValues | Evaluates an expression for multiple values of a given variable |
MnEvaluateUsing | Evaluates an expression for a given set of substituted variables |
MnExampleDataGMMandKMCDataSeries | Example data series for Gaussian mixture modelling and k means clustering |
MnExp | Returns the exponential of a real number |
MnExperienceAnalysisSinglePeriodCounts | Returns an array containing the results of an 'experience analysis' for a single period |
MnExponDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution |
MnExponDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the exponential distribution |
MnExponent | Returns the exponent of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation) |
MnExtractFromArray | Returns an extract from an array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromBooleanArray | Returns an extract from a Boolean array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromDateArray | Returns an extract from a Date array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromIntegerArray | Returns an extract from an Integer array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromStringArray | Returns an extract from a String array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnFactorial | Returns the factorial of n, i.e. n! |
MnFactorialDouble | Returns the double factorial of n |
MnFDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function for the F distribution |
MnFDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the F distribution |
MnFFT | Returns the (complex number) Fast Fourier Transform of an array of n complex numbers (n must be a power of 2) |
MnFilter | Returns a string array containing a filtered selection of elements of a string array |
MnFinanceDDB | Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period using a specified depreciation methodology |
MnFinanceFV | Returns the future value of an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate |
MnFinanceIPmt | Returns the interest payment for a given period for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate |
MnFinanceIRR | Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic payments and receipts |
MnFinanceMIRR | Returns a modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic payments and receipts taking into account financing and reinvestment rates |
MnFinanceNPer | Returns the number of periods over which a set of annuity-style cash flows will last |
MnFinanceNPV | Returns the net present value of a series of periodic payments and receipts |
MnFinancePmt | Returns the overall fixed payment (interest and principal) for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate |
MnFinancePPmt | Returns the principal payment for a given period for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate |
MnFinancePV | Returns the present value of an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate |
MnFinanceRate | Returns the interest rate (per period) for a annuity cash flow |
MnFinanceSLN | Returns the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period (is same for each period) |
MnFinanceSYD | Returns the sum of digits depreciation of an asset for a given period |
MnFInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the F distribution |
MnFisher | Returns the Fisher transform of a value |
MnFisherInv | Returns the inverse Fisher transform of a value |
MnFloor | Rounds a number towards negative infinity |
MnForecast | Returns the predicted value from a linear regression exercise |
MnFormat | Returns InputValue as a string using Microsoft formatting conventions |
MnFormatNumber | Returns InputValue as a string with a given format |
MnFormatPercent | Returns InputValue expressed as a percentage and as a string with a given format |
MnFrequency | Returns the number of entries with DataValues that fall within different bins as defined by BinValues |
MnFromImproperFraction | Returns a number corresponding to the input improper fraction |
MnFromProperFraction | Returns a number corresponding to the input proper fraction |
MnFromSexagesimal | Returns the value corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number |
MnFTest | Returns the result of an F-test to determine the probability of the F-statistic being less than the observed statistic |
MnFunctionExampleParameterString | Returns an example parameter string for relevant (website) function |
MnFunctionNumberOfParameters | Returns the number of parameters that relevant (website) function has |
MnFunctionOutputArrayDimension | Returns the number of dimensions of the output of relevant (website) function (if it has an array output) |
MnFunctionOutputArrayType | Returns A if output of relevant (website) function is an array, or S if it is a single value |
MnFunctionOutputType | Returns type of output of relevant (website) function (e.g. String, Double, Date, Boolean, Integer) |
MnFunctionParameterArrayType | Returns A if input type of relevant (website) function parameter is an array, otherwise S |
MnFunctionParameterDescription | Returns a short description of relevant (website) function parameter |
MnFunctionParameterExample | Returns an example for relevant (website) function parameter |
MnFunctionParameterName | Returns name of relevant (website) function parameter |
MnFunctionParameterType | Returns input type of relevant (website) function parameter (e.g. String, Double, Date, Boolean, Integer) |
MnGamma | Returns the value of the gamma function |
MnGammaDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution |
MnGammaDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the gamma distribution |
MnGammaInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the gamma distribution |
MnGammaLn | Returns the natural log of the gamma function |
MnGauss | Returns the Gauss function, i.e. the cumulative (standard) normal function less 0.5 |
MnGaussianMixtureModellingSA | Returns an array giving the results of a Gaussian mixture modelling analysis |
MnGCD | Returns the greatest common divisor of two strictly positive integers |
MnGCDExtended | Returns an array containing the greatest common divisor and the two Bezout coefficients of two strictly positive integers |
MnGeoMean | Returns the geometric mean of a set of values |
MnGetChar | Returns the character at CharPosition in InputString |
MnGT | Returns true if x>y. Equivalent to the '>' operator |
MnGTE | Returns true if x>=y. Equivalent to the '>=' operator |
MnHaltonSequence | Returns a Halton quasi-random sequence |
MnHarMean | Returns the harmonic mean of a set of values |
MnHerfindahlHirschmanIndex | Returns the Herfindahl-Hirshmann Index (HHI) of an array of (non-negative) market shares |
MnHex2Dec | Converts a string in hexadecimal form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnHexadecimalNumerals | Returns a string array containing a list of the hexadecimal numerals |
MnHour | Returns the hour of a given date/time |
MnIif | Returns b if a is true, otherwise returns c |
MnIncompleteBeta | Returns the value of the incomplete beta function |
MnIncompleteGamma | Returns the value of the incomplete gamma function |
MnIndexNonBlankStringArray | Returns an array containing where in Index the entries in ArrayToBeIndexed appear |
MnInsertIntoArray | Inserts a single entry into an array at a particular position within the input array |
MnInStr | Returns the position in a string where a given match string is first found |
MnInStrPart | Returns the position in a string where a given match string is first found, starting part way through the string |
MnInStrRev | Returns the position in a string where a given match string is last found |
MnInStrRevPart | Returns the position in a string where a given match string is last found, ending part way through the string |
MnInt | Rounds a number towards negative infinity |
MnIntercept | Returns the intercept from a linear regression exercise |
MnIntersectionOfDateSets | Returns the intersection of two sets |
MnIntersectionOfIntegerSets | Returns the intersection of two sets |
MnIntersectionOfSets | Returns the intersection of two sets |
MnIntersectionOfStringSets | Returns the intersection of two sets |
MnInverseNormal | Returns the inverse of the cumulative unit normal function |
MnIsAlphabetic | Returns true if all the characters of s are alphabetic |
MnIsAlphanumeric | Returns true if all the characters of s are alphanumeric |
MnIsEven | Returns true if x (integral) is even otherwise false |
MnIsOdd | Returns true if x (integral) is odd otherwise false |
MnIsPowerOf2 | Indicates if n is an integral power of 2 |
MnIsRecognisedPhysicalUnit | Indicates if a given physical unit is recognised by the website |
MnJohnsonSUMOMEstimates | Returns the method of moments estimation vector for parameters of a Johnson SU probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnJoin | Returns a string formed by joining substrings contained in an array, consecutive substrings separated by the delimiter |
MnKendalTauCoefficient | Returns the Kendal tau coefficientbetween two series |
MnKendalTauCoefficients | Returns an array corresponding to m x m Kendal tau coefficients between m series |
MnKMeansClusteringSA | Returns an array giving the results of a k means clustering analysis |
MnKurt | Returns the kurtosis of an array |
MnLCase | Returns the lower case equivalent of InputString |
MnLCM | Returns the least common multiple of two strictly positive integers |
MnLeastSquaresGeneralisedCurveFit | Returns an array corresponding to values of a least squares generalised curve fit of input data |
MnLeastSquaresPolynomialCurveFit | Returns an array corresponding to values of a least squares polynomial curve fit of input data |
MnLeft | Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left hand end of a string |
MnLen | Returns the length of InputString |
MnLibraryVersion | Returns the version of the website function library currently accessible through the website |
MnLibraryVersionMessage | Returns a message relating to the library version currently available |
MnLinearInterpolation | Returns a linearly interpolated value |
MnLog | Returns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number |
MnLog10 | Returns the logarithm to base 10 of a (real, positive) number |
MnLogBaseN | Returns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number in an arbitrary (real, positve) base |
MnLogGamma | Returns the value of the log gamma function |
MnLognormDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution |
MnLognormDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the lognormal distribution |
MnLognormInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the lognormal distribution |
MnLogSeries | Returns the result of applying natural logarithms to the series entries |
MnLSet | Returns a left aligned version of InputString |
MnLT | Returns true if x<y. Equivalent to the '<' operator |
MnLTE | Returns true if x<=y. Equivalent to the '<=' operator |
MnLTrim | Returns InputString but without any leading spaces |
MnMantissa | Returns the mantissa of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation) |
MnMatAntiSym | Returns the anti-symmetrised version of a square matrix |
MnMatDet | Returns the determinant of a square matrix |
MnMatInverse | Returns the inverse of a square matrix |
MnMatLT | Returns the lower triangular version of a symmetrical square matrix |
MnMatLUDecomposition | Returns the LU decomposition (without index and permutation sign) of a square matrix |
MnMatLUDet | Returns the determinant of the LU decomposition of a square matrix |
MnMatLUEqnSolve | Returns the solution to a (matrix) equation given the LU decomposition of the relevant square matrix |
MnMatLUIndexAndPerm | Returns the LU index and permutation sign (without decomposition) of a square matrix |
MnMatLUInverse | Returns the inverse of a square matrix given as input its LU decomposition |
MnMatLUVecSolve | Returns the solution to a (vector) equations given the LU decomposition of the relevant square matrix |
MnMatProduct | Returns the product of two matrices (explicitly passing sizes of the matrices) |
MnMatSym | Returns the symmetrised version of a square matrix |
MnMatTrace | Returns the trace of a square matrix |
MnMatUnit | Returns a unit matrix |
MnMatUT | Returns the upper triangular version of a symmetrical square matrix |
MnMax | Returns the maximum of two values |
MnMaximumOfArray | Returns the maximum of an array of values |
MnMaximumOfDateArray | Returns the maximum of an array of dates |
MnMean | Returns the mean of an array |
MnMeanAbsDevVsMean | Returns the mean absolute deviation (versus the mean) of an array |
MnMeanAbsDevVsMedian | Returns the mean absolute deviation (versus the median) of an array |
MnMedian | Returns the median of an array |
MnMid | Returns a string containing a specified number of consecutive characters from within a string |
MnMin | Returns the minimum of two values |
MnMinimumOfArray | Returns the minimum of an array of values |
MnMinimumOfDateArray | Returns the minimum of an array of dates |
MnMinus | Returns the result of taking one number away from another. Equivalent to the '-' operator |
MnMinute | Returns the minute of a given date/time |
MnModeOfArray | Returns the mode of an array (if it exists) |
MnMonth | Returns the month of a given date/time |
MnMonthNameEnglish | Returns the (English) name of a given month, possibly abbreviated |
MnMortalityTableMaxAge | Returns the maximum age recognised for the given mortality table |
MnMortalityTableMinAge | Returns the minimum age recognised for the given mortality table |
MnMortalityTableSex | Returns the sex to which the given mortality table applies ("M"=male, "F"=female) |
MnMultiply | Returns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the '*' operator |
MnMultiplySeriesByConstant | Returns the result of multiplying two series term-by-term |
MnMultiplyTwoSeriesElementByElement | Returns the result of multiplying two series term-by-term |
MnMyBrowserFeature | Returns a specific feature of the browser (client) calling this function |
MnMyBrowserFeatures | Returns all recognised features of the browser (client) calling this function |
MnMyIPAddress | Returns the IP address of the computer accessing the website |
MnMyIPRequestVariables | Returns all the request variables sent by the host computer when accessing the website |
MnMyProxyIPAddress | (Usually) returns the IP address of the original computer accessing the website via a proxy server |
MnNE | Returns true if two numbers are not equal. Equivalent to the '<>' operator |
MnNonNegativeIntegerToBaseNArray | Returns the digits of a non-negative integer in a given number base, in order of increasing powers of that number base |
MnNormaliseArray | Returns the Normalised equivalent of the input array |
MnNormaliseWeightedArray | Returns the (weighted) Normalised equivalent of the input array |
MnNormalMLFit | Returns maximum likelihood estimates of mean and standard devation of Normally distributed observations |
MnNormalTailFit | Returns least squares tail fit estimates of mean and standard devation of Normally distributed observations |
MnNow | Returns current date and time (of server) |
MnNthRoot | Returns the n'th root of a (real) number |
MnNumberOfDaysInMonth | Returns the number of days in a month |
MnOct2Dec | Converts a string in octal form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnOctalNumerals | Returns a string array containing a list of the octal numerals |
MnOptimisedTrinomialLatticeProbs | Returns an array giving the optimised trinomial lattice movement probabilities |
MnOrderOfArray | Returns the ordering of a Double array |
MnOrderOfDateArray | Returns the ordering of a Date array |
MnOrderOfIntegerArray | Returns the ordering of an Integer array |
MnOrderOfStringArray | Returns the ordering of a String array |
MnParseBooleanArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseDoubleArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseIntegerArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseStringArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseStringInto2dBooleanArray | Returns a 2d Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dDateUKArray | Returns a 2d Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dDoubleArray | Returns a 2d Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dIntegerArray | Returns a 2d Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dStringArray | Returns a 2d String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoBooleanArray | Returns a Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoDateUKArray | Returns a Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoDoubleArray | Returns a Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoIntegerArray | Returns an Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoStringArray | Returns a String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnPercent | Returns the value of x per cent (i.e. 0.01 times x) |
MnPercentile | Returns a given percentile point for an array with lowest value deemed to be 0'th percentile and highest 1'th percentile |
MnPercentileExc | Returns a given percentile point for an array with lowest value deemed to be 1/(n+1)'th percentile and highest n/(n+1)'th percentile |
MnPFDecrementTable | Returns a decrement table in a format that can be used for further pension fund projection work |
MnPFProjectBenefitsDepletedOutgoWoundUp | Returns the outgo through time expected from each aggregate membership category conditional on scheme winding up at different points in time (sponsor not necessarily making good any shortfall) |
MnPFProjectBenefitsOutgoWoundUp | Returns the outgo through time expected from each aggregate membership category conditional on scheme winding up at different points in time (assuming sponsor makes good any shortfall) |
MnPFProjectBenefitsProbDefault | Returns probability of sponsor (possibly adjusted to reflect economic or scheme-specific drivers) |
MnPFProjectBenefitsPVSingleRun | Returns the current value of members' future benefits allowing for the possibility that the scheme sponsor may not make good shortfalls on wind-up |
MnPgpmFundPercentileRank | Returns the percentile rank of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmFundRank | Returns the rank of a specified fund in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmFundRet | Returns the return of a specified fund in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmFundRetExists | Returns TRUE if the fund has a fund return in a peer group performance dataset, otherwise returns FALSE |
MnPgpmFundRets | Returns the returns of all of the funds in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmFundRetsExist | Returns a boolean array, where element is TRUE if the fund has a fund return in a peer group performance dataset, otherwise element is FALSE |
MnPgpmFundVolatilityPopulation | Returns the (absolute) fund volatility of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmFundVolatilitySample | Returns the (absolute) fund volatility of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmMedianRet | Returns the median return of a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmPercentileRet | Returns the specified percentile (quantile) for the spread of distributions of returns in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmRelativeRet | Returns the return of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmTrackingErrorPopulation | Returns the tracking error of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPgpmTrackingErrorSample | Returns the tracking error of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset |
MnPi | Returns the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, i.e. pi |
MnPlotExpression | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of an expression |
MnPlotExpressions | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of several expressions |
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientFrontier | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of a mean-variance efficient frontier |
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientPortfolios | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the asset mixes underlying a mean-variance efficient frontier |
MnPlotStandardisedQQ | Returns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot |
MnPlotStandardisedQQWithComparisons | Returns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot (with optional additional comparisons) |
MnPlotStandardisedUpwards1dQQ | Returns a SmartCode for a standardised 'upwards' 1-dimensional quantile-quantile plot |
MnPlotWeightedStandardisedQQ | Returns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot in which different weights are given to different observations |
MnPlotXdateYLineChart | Returns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving dates and y involving numeric values |
MnPlotXYExpressionGeneral | Returns a SmartCode for a xy chart with the y series derived from expression evaluations |
MnPlotXYLineChart | Returns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving date values and y involving numeric values |
MnPoissonCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the poisson distribution |
MnPoissonPmf | Returns the probability mass function of the poisson distribution |
MnPolarToCartesian | Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as an array |
MnPolarToCartesian2 | Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as two separate values |
MnPolyInterp | Returns a polynomial interpolated value |
MnPopulationCovariance | Returns the population covariance between two series |
MnPopulationCovariances | Returns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the population covariance matrix |
MnPopulationKurt | Returns the (population) (excess) kurtosis of an array |
MnPopulationSkew | Returns the (population) skew of an array |
MnPopulationStdev | Returns the (population) standard deviation of an array |
MnPopulationVariance | Returns the (population) variance of an array |
MnPower | Returns x to the power y |
MnPrincipalComponents | Returns the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series |
MnPrincipalComponentsSizes | Returns the sizes of the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series |
MnPrincipalComponentsWeights | Returns the weights ascribed to the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series |
MnProbDistCdf | Evaluates the cumulative distribution function for a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistCtsBoundedLower | Indicates if a (continuous) probability distribution has a lower bound other than minus infinity |
MnProbDistCtsBoundedUpper | Indicates if a (continuous) probability distribution has an upper bound other than plus infinity |
MnProbDistCtsLowerBound | Returns lower bound of (continuous) probability distribution (if it is bounded below) |
MnProbDistCtsUpperBound | Returns upper bound of (continuous) probability distribution (if it is bounded above) |
MnProbDistHazardFunction | Returns the hazard function for a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistIsCts | Returns true if probability distribution is continuous, false if it is discrete |
MnProbDistKurt | Returns the (excess) kurtosis of a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistLikelihood | Returns the likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistLogLikelihood | Returns the log-likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistMean | Returns the mean of a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistMLE | Returns the maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistMLERestricted | Returns the maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistPage | Returns the main Nematrian web page referring to a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistParamCount | Returns the number of the parameters used in the specification of the probability distribution |
MnProbDistParamNames | Returns the names of the parameters used in the specification of the probability distribution |
MnProbDistPdf | Evaluates the probability density function for a given (continuous) probability distribution |
MnProbDistPlotCdf | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the cumulative density function of a statistical distribution |
MnProbDistPlotCdfs | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the cumulative density function of several statistical distributions |
MnProbDistPlotPdf | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability density function of a continuous statistical distribution |
MnProbDistPlotPdfs | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability density function of several continuous statistical distributions |
MnProbDistPlotPmf | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability mass function of a discrete statistical distribution |
MnProbDistPlotPmfs | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability mass function of several discrete statistical distributions |
MnProbDistPlotQQ | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the quantile-quantile plot of a statistical distribution |
MnProbDistPlotQQs | Returns a SmartCode for a plot of the quantile-quantile plot of several statistical distributions |
MnProbDistPmf | Evaluates the probability mass function for a given (discrete) probability distribution |
MnProbDistPolyEval | Calculates the expected value of a (possibly bounded) polynomial for a given (continuous) probability distribution |
MnProbDistQuantile | Evaluates the quantile, i.e. inverse cdf, for a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistRand | Returns a single random draw from a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistRandArray | Returns a (seeded) random array of draws from a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistRandArrayEqSp | Returns a (seeded) random array of draws from a given probability distrbution, using equally spaced quantiles |
MnProbDistSkew | Returns the skew (skewness) of a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistStd | Returns the standard deviation of a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistTailValueAtRisk | Returns the tail value at risk of a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistTWLS | Returns the tail weighted least squares estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistTWLSRestricted | Returns the tail weighted least squares estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistTWMLE | Returns the tail weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistTWMLERestricted | Returns the tail weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistValueAtRisk | Returns the value at risk of a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistVar | Returns the variance of a given probability distrbution |
MnProbDistWeightedLikelihood | Returns the weighted likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistWeightedLogLikelihood | Returns the weighted log-likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution |
MnProbDistWeightedMLE | Returns the weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProbDistWeightedMLERestricted | Returns the weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset |
MnProduct | Returns the product of a set of values |
MnProper | Capitalizes (converts to uppercase) the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter and converts all other letters to lowercase letters |
MnPVAnnuityCts | Returns the value of a continuously payable cash flow stream |
MnPVSwapCts | Returns the value of a continuously payable swap |
MnPVZero | Returns the value of a zero coupon bond |
MnQuartile | Returns a given quantile point for an array (quart = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) with lowest value deemed to be 0'th percentile and highest 1'th percentile |
MnQuartileExc | Returns a given quantile point for an array (quart = 1, 2, 3) with lowest value deemed to be 1/(n+1)'th percentile and highest n/(n+1)'th percentile |
MnRadianToDegree | Returns the value in degrees of an input value in radians |
MnRand | Returns a uniform random number between 0 and 1 |
MnRandBetween | Returns a uniform (integral) random number between bottom and top |
MnRandomlySelectState | Selects a state (0 to n-1) based on state probabilities and a number between 0 and 1 |
MnRandomOrdering | Returns a random ordering of the integers from 0 to n-1 |
MnRandomPermutation | Returns a pre-seeded random ordering of the integers from 0 to n-1 |
MnRecognisedBrowserFeatures | Returns a list of the recognised browser features that can be used in MyBrowserFeature |
MnRecognisedChartLegendDockings | Returns a list of the recognised types of LegendDocking that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter |
MnRecognisedChartSeriesColors | Returns a list of the recognised types of SeriesColor that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter |
MnRecognisedChartSeriesLineStyles | Returns a list of the recognised types of SeriesLineStyle that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter |
MnRecognisedChartSeriesTypes | Returns a list of the recognised types of SeriesType that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter |
MnRecognisedMortalityTableNumberOfVariants | Returns the number of variants recognised by the website for a given mortality table that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise |
MnRecognisedMortalityTables | Returns an array containing the mortality tables that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise |
MnRecognisedMortalityTableVariants | Returns an array of the variants recognised by the website for a given mortality table that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise |
MnRecognisedPhysicalUnits | Returns an array of the physical units recognised by the website for unit conversion purposes |
MnRecognisedProbDists | Returns a string array listing probability distributions recognised by website analytics |
MnRecognisedSearchSpiders | Returns a list of websites and names associated by the Nematrian website with search spiders |
MnRegularisedIncompleteBeta | Returns the value of the regularised incomplete beta function |
MnRelativeVolUsingCorr | Returns the relative risk (volatility) of a portfolio versus a benchmark from correlations |
MnRelativeVolUsingCov | Returns the relative risk (volatility) of a portfolio versus a benchmark from covariances |
MnRemoveAllInstancesOfStringFromString | Returns a string which has had all instances of another string removed from it |
MnReorderSeries | Returns InputArray but reordered as per IndexArray |
MnRepeatString | Repeats a string n times |
MnReplace | Returns a string in which some substrings are replaced by others |
MnResampledPortfolioOptimiser | Returns a vector characterising the portfolio weights of a 'resampled' mean-variance optimal portfolio |
MnRestateYieldOrDiscount | Converts interest rates between annualisation conventions |
MnReverseArray | Returns an array with the order of the elements of the original (numerical) array reversed |
MnReverseBooleanArray | Returns a Boolean array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseDateArray | Returns a Date array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseIntegerArray | Returns an Integer array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseQuadraticPortfolioOptimiser | Returns an array of implied alphas, i.e. return assumptions needed for portfolio to be optimal |
MnReverseStringArray | Returns a String array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnRight | Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right hand end of a string |
MnRoundToNdp | Returns the input value, x, rounded to n decimal places |
MnRoundToNsf | Returns the input value, x, rounded to n significant figures |
MnRSet | Returns a right aligned version of InputString |
MnRSq | Returns the r-squared for a regression between known y's and known x's |
MnRTrim | Returns InputString but without any trailing spaces |
MnSearchForSearchSpiders | Returns the name of a search engine website/name if there is one in the input string |
MnSec | Returns the secant of a real number |
MnSech | Returns the hyperbolic secant of a real number |
MnSecond | Returns the second of a given date/time |
MnSeriesSum | Returns the sum of a power series |
MnSessionIdExpires | Returns the date / time when the relevant SessionId expires |
MnSetOfMembersOfArray | Returns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSetOfMembersOfDateArray | Returns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSetOfMembersOfIntegerArray | Returns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSetOfMembersOfStringArray | Returns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSIDimensionNames | Returns an array giving the base dimensions of the SI physical unit system |
MnSIDimensionsOf | Returns an array giving the SI dimensions of a given physical unit |
MnSign | Returns the sign of a real number |
MnSimplifyFraction | Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given an array containing a then b (a and b integral) |
MnSimplifyFraction2 | Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given separate inputs for a and b (a and b integral) |
MnSimulateGaussianMixture | Returns simulations of variables assuming that they are drawn from one of a set of Gaussian states with probabilities that follow a Markov chain |
MnSin | Returns the sine of a real number |
MnSinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a real number |
MnSkew | Returns the skewness of an array |
MnSlice2dArray | Returns a vector array that a cross-sectional slice from a two dimensional array |
MnSlope | Returns the slope from a linear regression exercise |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFCombineStresses | Returns recognised Stress Set Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeCorrs | Returns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeStressNames | Returns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFMktCorrs | Returns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFMktStressNames | Returns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFNonLifeCorrs | Returns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFNonLifeStressNames | Returns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFOverallCorrs | Returns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFOverallStressNames | Returns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFStressSetNames | Returns recognised Stress Set Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFTermStructureStressedRate | Returns Stressed Rate derived by applying Solvency II Term Structure Stress |
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFTermStructureStressFactors | Returns Table of Stress Factors derived by Solvency II Term Structure Stresses |
MnSortedArray | Returns the sorted equivalent of a Numeric array |
MnSortedDateArray | Returns the sorted equivalent of a Date array |
MnSortedIntegerArray | Returns the sorted equivalent of an Integer array |
MnSortedIntersectionOfDateSets | Returns the sorted intersection of two sets |
MnSortedIntersectionOfIntegerSets | Returns the sorted intersection of two sets |
MnSortedIntersectionOfSets | Returns the sorted intersection of two sets |
MnSortedIntersectionOfStringSets | Returns the sorted intersection of two sets |
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfArray | Returns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfDateArray | Returns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfIntegerArray | Returns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfStringArray | Returns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array |
MnSortedStringArray | Returns the sorted equivalent of an Integer array |
MnSortedUnionOfDateSets | Returns the sorted union of two sets |
MnSortedUnionOfIntegerSets | Returns the sorted union of two sets |
MnSortedUnionOfSets | Returns the sorted union of two sets |
MnSortedUnionOfStringSets | Returns the sorted union of two sets |
MnSpace | Returns a string consisting of n spaces |
MnSpearmanRankCorrelation | Returns the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two series |
MnSpearmanRankCorrelations | Returns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the Spearman rank correlation matrix |
MnSplit | Returns a string array that splits up the InputString into elements which had been separated by the Delimiter |
MnSqrt | Returns the square root of a (real non-negative) number |
MnSqrtPi | Returns the square root of (InputValue times pi) |
MnStandardisedNormalQuantiles | Returns an array of standardised normal quantile points |
MnStandardWeightedCubicQuantileFit | Returns an array giving a 'standard' weighted cubic quantile fit to a series of values |
MnStandardWeightedCubicQuantileFitInclEnds | Returns an array giving a 'standard' weighted cubic quantile fit to a series of values |
MnStdev | Returns the (sample) standard deviation of an array |
MnStr | Returns a string representation of InputValue |
MnStrComp | Indicates whether InputString1 is less than (-1), equal to (0) or greater than (+1) InputString2 |
MnStringToBaseNArray | Returns a digit array representation of an unsigned integer given by a string in a given number base |
MnStrReverse | Returns InputString but with order of characters reversed |
MnSudokuSolve | Solves a Sudoku Puzzle |
MnSum | Returns the sum of a set of values |
MnSumProduct | Returns the sum of the product of two sets of values |
MnSumSq | Returns the sum of the squares of a set of values |
MnSumX2MY2 | Returns the sum of the differences of the squares of two sets of values |
MnSumX2PY2 | Returns the sum of the sums of the squares of two sets of values |
MnSumXMY2 | Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between two sets of values |
MnTan | Returns the tangent of a real number |
MnTanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a real number |
MnTDistCdf | Returns the cumulative distribution function of the Student's t distribution |
MnTDistPdf | Returns the probability density function of the Student's t distribution |
MnTimeOfDay | Returns the current time of day (of server) as a Date value |
MnTimer | Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight (for the server) |
MnTimeSerial | Returns a time given separate inputs for hour, minute and second |
MnTimeString | Returns a string representation of the current time (of the server) |
MnTimeValue | Returns the time represented by a given date/time in string representation, ignoring the date |
MnTInv | Returns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the Student's t distribution |
MnToday | Returns current date (of server) |
MnToSexagesimal | Returns an array corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number |
MnTrailingVolatilityAdjustArray | Returns a new array derived by adjusting the InputArray by the volatility (stdev) of the preceding TrailPeriod entries |
MnTrim | Returns InputString but without any leading and trailing spaces |
MnTruncate | Rounds a number towards 0 |
MnUCase | Returns the upper case equivalent of InputString |
MnUminus | Returns -x. Equivalent to the unitary '-' operator |
MnUnionOfDateSets | Returns the union of two sets |
MnUnionOfIntegerSets | Returns the union of two sets |
MnUnionOfSets | Returns the union of two sets |
MnUnionOfStringSets | Returns the union of two sets |
MnUnitNormalDensity | Returns the unit normal density (i.e. mass) function. The unit Normal distribution has a mean of 0 (zero) and a standard deviation of 1 (one) |
MnUnivariatePolynomialMultiply | Returns an array characterising the product of two polynomials |
MnUplus | Returns +x. Equivalent to the unitary '+' operator |
MnVal | Converts InputString to a number, if possible |
MnValidNematrianWebFunctions | Returns an array containing all currently recognised Nematrian web functions |
MnValueFromValueWithBracketedError | Returns the 'base' value of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term |
MnValueOfAnnuity | Returns the value of an annuity given a single (continuously compounded) interest rate |
MnVariance | Returns the (sample) variance of an array |
MnWeightedCorrelation | Returns the weighted correlation between two series |
MnWeightedCorrelations | Returns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted correlation coefficient matrix |
MnWeightedCovariance | Returns the weighted (sample) covariance between two series |
MnWeightedCovariances | Returns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted (sample) covariance matrix |
MnWeightedDesmooth_AR1 | Returns an array of desmoothed values (giving different weights to different observations) |
MnWeightedDesmooth_AR1_rho | Returns desmoothing parameter for an array (giving different weights to different observations) |
MnWeightedMean | Returns the weighted mean of an array |
MnWeightedMeanAbsDevVsMean | Returns the weighted mean absolute deviation (versus the mean) of an array |
MnWeightedMeanAbsDevVsMedian | Returns the weighted mean absolute deviation (versus the median) of an array |
MnWeightedMedian | Returns the weighted median of an array |
MnWeightedPercentile | Returns the weighted percentile of an array |
MnWeightedPopulationCovariance | Returns the weighted population covariance matrix between two series |
MnWeightedPopulationCovariances | Returns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted population covariance matrix |
MnWeightedPopulationKurt | Returns the weighted population (excess) kurtosis of an array |
MnWeightedPopulationSkew | Returns the weighted population skew of an array |
MnWeightedPopulationStdev | Returns the weighted population standard deviation of an array |
MnWeightedPopulationVariance | Returns the weighted population variance of an array |
MnWeightedSkew | Returns the weighted skew of an array |
MnWeightedSpearmanRankCorrelation | Returns the weighted Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two series |
MnWeightedStdev | Returns the weighted (sample) standard deviation of an array |
MnWeightedVariance | Returns the weighted (sample) variance of an array |
MnWeightOverlap | Returns the weight overlap between two portfolios |
MnYear | Returns the year of a given date/time |