
Complete list of functions included in the Nematrian Function Library

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Set out below is a list of all of the functions currently included in the Nematrian Function Library.


To see functions grouped by type of activity to which they relate, please go to List of Nematrian Online Function Types and choose the function type in which you are interested.


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Web functionShort description of function
MnAbsReturns the absolute value of a real number
MnAcosReturns the (principal) arccosine of a real number
MnAddReturns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the '+' operator
MnAddConstantToSeriesReturns a series formed by adding a constant to another series
MnAppendArrayAppends second array onto (i.e. following) first array
MnApplyGeometricSpreadToSeriesReturns a series formed by applying a geometric spread to another series
MnApplyPriorityWaterfallReturns an array corresponding to fractions of tranches satisfied in a priority ladder or 'waterfall'
MnApplyPriorityWaterfall2Returns an array corresponding to fractions of tranches owned by different investor categories satisfied in a priority ladder or 'waterfall'
MnArithmeticallySpacedArrayReturns a series whose elements are equally spaced (arithmetically)
MnArrayAddReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 plus element of Array2
MnArrayDivideReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 divided by element of Array2
MnArrayMultiplyReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 multiplied by element of Array2
MnArraySubtractReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 minus element of Array2
MnAscReturns the (Ascii) character code of the first character of InputString
MnAsinReturns the (principal) arcsine of a real number
MnAtanReturns the (principal) arctangent of a real number
MnAtan2Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y-coordinates
MnBaseNArrayToNonNegativeIntegerReturns an integer equal to that represented in digit form
MnBaseNArrayToStringReturns a string representation of an unsigned integer given by a digit array in a given number base
MnBaseNString2DecConverts a string in base n form to an (unsigned) integer
MnBetaReturns the value of the beta function
MnBeta4DistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution
MnBeta4DistPdfReturns the probability density function of the beta distribution
MnBeta4InvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the beta distribution
MnBetaDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the (standard) beta distribution
MnBetaDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the (standard) beta distribution
MnBetaInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the (standard) beta distribution
MnBin2DecConverts a string in binary form to an (unsigned) integer
MnBinaryNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the binary numerals
MnBinomialCdfReturns the value of the cumulative distribution function for the binomial distribution
MnBinomialPmfReturns the value of the probability mass function for the binomial distribution
MnBitAndCarries out a bit-wise AND operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBitLShiftShifts a number in string binary format to the left
MnBitOrCarries out a bit-wise OR operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBitRShiftShifts a number in string binary format to the right
MnBitXorCarries out a bit-wise XOR operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBivariateNormalDistributionReturns the value of the cumulative unit bivariate normal distribution function
MnBlendedPCAICAReturns the blended principal components/independent components extracted from several simultaneous data series
MnBoxCoxSeriesTransformReturns the Box-Cox transform of a series
MnBrowserFeatureDescriptionsReturns a 2d array returning a list of recognised browser feature names and descriptions of these features
MnBSBinaryCallCharmReturns the 'Charm' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallColourReturns the 'Colour' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallDeltaReturns the 'Delta' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallGammaReturns the 'Gamma' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallPayoffReturns the 'Payoff' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallPriceReturns the 'Price' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallRhoDividendReturns the 'RhoDividend' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallRhoInterestReturns the 'RhoInterest' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallSpeedReturns the 'Speed' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallThetaReturns the 'Theta' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallVannaReturns the 'Vanna' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallVegaReturns the 'Vega' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryCallVolgaReturns the 'Volga' (a greek) of a binary call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutCharmReturns the 'Charm' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutColourReturns the 'Colour' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutDeltaReturns the 'Delta' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutGammaReturns the 'Gamma' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutPayoffReturns the 'Payoff' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutPriceReturns the 'Price' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutRhoDividendReturns the 'RhoDividend' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutRhoInterestReturns the 'RhoInterest' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutSpeedReturns the 'Speed' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutThetaReturns the 'Theta' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutVannaReturns the 'Vanna' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutVegaReturns the 'Vega' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSBinaryPutVolgaReturns the 'Volga' (a greek) of a binary put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallReturns the value/price of a European-style call option (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallCharmReturns the Charm (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallColourReturns the Colour (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallDeltaReturns the Delta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallGammaReturns the Gamma (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallPayoffReturns the Payoff (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallPriceReturns the Price (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallRhoDividendReturns the RhoDividend (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallRhoInterestReturns the RhoInterest (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallSpeedReturns the Speed (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallThetaReturns the Theta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallVannaReturns the Vanna (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallVegaReturns the Vega (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSCallVolgaReturns the Volga (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style call (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutReturns the value/price of a put option (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutCharmReturns the Charm (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutColourReturns the Colour (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutDeltaReturns the Delta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutGammaReturns the Gamma (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutPayoffReturns the Payoff (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutPriceReturns the Price (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutRhoDividendReturns the RhoDividend (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutRhoInterestReturns the RhoInterest (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutSpeedReturns the Speed (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutThetaReturns the Theta (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutVannaReturns the Vanna (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutVegaReturns the Vega (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnBSPutVolgaReturns the Volga (a greek) of a (vanilla) European-style put (in a Black-Scholes world)
MnCAbsReturns the absolute value or modulus of a complex number
MnCAcosReturns the inverse cosine of a complex number
MnCAcoshReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a complex number
MnCAcotReturns the inverse cotangent of a complex number
MnCAcothReturns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number
MnCAddReturns the sum of two complex numbers
MnCArgReturns the argument of a complex number
MnCartesianToPolarReturns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as an array
MnCartesianToPolar2Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as two separate values
MnCAsinReturns the inverse sine of a complex number
MnCAsinhReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number
MnCAtanReturns the inverse tangent of a complex number
MnCAtanhReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number
MnCCCallReturns the price of a European call under the 'cost of capital' model
MnCConjugateReturns the complex conjugate of a complex number
MnCCosReturns the cosine of a complex number
MnCCoshReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number
MnCCotReturns the cotangent of a complex number
MnCCothReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number
MnCCPutReturns the price of a European put under the 'cost of capital' model
MnCCscReturns the cosecant of a complex number
MnCDivideReturns the result of dividing one complex number by another
MnCeilingRounds a number towards positive infinity
MnCellFormulaA1StyleRangeConcatenateReturns text of a formula to concatenate cell values together
MnCellReferenceA1StyleReturns text of a cell reference (A1-style)
MnCExpReturns the exponential function of a complex number
MnCGammaReturns the value of the Gamma function for a complex number
MnChiDistReturns the right tail cumulative distribution function (i.e. 1 - cdf) for the chi-squared distribution
MnChiInvReturns the right tail inverse cdf (i.e. quantile of 1-q) of the chi-squared distribution
MnChiSqDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function for the chi-squared distribution
MnChiSqDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the chi-squared distribution
MnChiSqInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the chi-squared distribution
MnChiSqTestReturns the confidence level applicable to a chi-squared statistical test
MnChiSqTestDoFReturns the number of degrees of freedom applicable to a chi-squared statistical test
MnChiSqTestStatisticReturns the test statistic of a chi-squared statistical test
MnCholeskyDecompositionReturns the Cholesky decomposition of a square matrix
MnChrReturns the character corresponding to the (Ascii) character code CharCode
MnCImagReturns the imaginary part of a complex number
MnCLogReturns the log of a complex number
MnCMultiplyReturns the product of two complex numbers
MnConcatReturns the concatenation of two (string) values. Equivalent to the '&' operator
MnConcatenateReturns the concatenation of all of the entries in InputStringArray
MnConfidenceLevelKurtApproxIfNormalReturns the (approx) confidence level for sample skew, under null hypothesis that distribution is Normal
MnConfidenceLevelSkewApproxIfNormalReturns the (approx) confidence level for sample skew, under null hypothesis that distribution is Normal
MnConfidenceNormReturns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution
MnConfidenceTReturns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution
MnConstrainedQuadraticOptimiserReturns a vector characterising the minimum value a given quadratic loss function
MnConstrainedQuadraticPortfolioOptimiserReturns a vector characterising the portfolio weights of a mean-variance optimal portfolio
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToLogRelativeReturnsReturns an array of logged relative returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously)
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToLogReturnsReturns an array of logged returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously)
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToRelativeReturnsReturns an array of relative returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously)
MnConvert2dIndexArrayToReturnsReturns an array of returns from an array of index values (for several different series simultaneously)
MnConvertDateArrayToDoubleArrayReturns an array of Double variables from Date variables (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDateToDoubleReturns a Double variable from a Date variable (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDoubleArrayToDateArrayReturns an array of Date variables from Double variables (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDoubleToDateReturns a Date variable from a Double variable (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertIntegerArrayToDoubleArrayReturns an array of Double variables from Integer variables
MnConvertIntegerToDoubleReturns a Double variable from an Integer variable
MnConvertUnitReturns the value in one ((simple) physical unit of a value in another (simple) physical unit
MnConvertUnitCompatiblesReturns an array of all phyiscal units recognised by the website compatible with the input physical unit
MnConvertUnitFromSIConverts a unit value in the corresponding SI physical unit to a unit value in the selected physical unit
MnConvertUnitGeneralReturns the value in one (compound) physical unit of a value in another (compound) physical unit
MnConvertUnitSIEquivalentReturns the SI equivalent of a given physical unit
MnConvertUnitToSIConverts a unit value in the selected physical unit to a unit value in the corresponding SI physical unit
MnConvertUnitToSIExplanationProvides an expanation for why a physical unit converts to/from SI units in the manner used by the website
MnConvertUnitToSIFactorConverts a unit value in the selected physical unit to a unit value in the equivalent SI unit
MnConvertUnitTypeReturns the type of unit that a measurement unit is (e.g. if it is a SI unit)
MnCornishFisher4Returns an array derived using the Cornish Fisher (4th moment) asymptotic expansion
MnCorrelationReturns the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between two series
MnCorrelationsReturns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the correlation matrix
MnCorrespondingSpouseMortalityTableNameReturns the name of the spouse's mortality table that typically corresponds to the given underlying mortality table
MnCosReturns the cosine of a real number
MnCoshReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a real number
MnCotReturns the cotangent of a real number
MnCothReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a real number
MnCountArrayReturns the number of entries in the (numerical) InputArray
MnCountBooleanArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountDateArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountIntegerArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountSetOfMembersOfArrayReturns number of distinct members in InputArray
MnCountSetOfMembersOfDateArrayReturns number of distinct members in InputArray
MnCountSetOfMembersOfIntegerArrayReturns number of distinct members in InputArray
MnCountSetOfMembersOfStringArrayReturns number of distinct members in InputArray
MnCountsOfArrayReturns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (numerical) array
MnCountsOfDateArrayReturns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (date) array
MnCountsOfIntegerArrayReturns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (integer) array
MnCountsOfStringArrayReturns an array indicating counts of consecutively ordered distinct values in the (string) array
MnCountStringArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCovarianceReturns the (sample) covariance between two series
MnCovariancesReturns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the (sample) covariance matrix
MnCPowerReturns the result of raising one complex number by another
MnCRealReturns the real part of a complex number
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatedElementReturns an array that includes the same element repeated n times
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatingElementsReturns an array that involves sets of repeated elements arranged after each other
MnCscReturns the cosecant of a real number
MnCschReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of a real number
MnCSecReturns the secant of a complex number
MnCSinReturns the sine of a complex number
MnCSinhReturns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number
MnCSqrtReturns the square root of a complex number
MnCSubtractReturns the difference between two complex numbers
MnCTanReturns the tangent of a complex number
MnCTanhReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number
MnCubeRootReturns the cube root of a (real) number
MnCumulativeNormalReturns the value of the cumulative unit normal distribution function for a given distribution point
MnCumulativeSeriesReturns the cumulative values of an ordered series
MnDAAnovaOneAnalysisReturns the results of a one factor Analysis of Variance
MnDAAnovaOneSummaryReturns summary of input data applicable to a one factor Analysis of Variance
MnDAAnovaTwoWithAnalysisReturns the results of a two factor Analysis of Variance (with replication)
MnDAAnovaTwoWithoutAnalysisReturns the results of a two factor Analysis of Variance (without replication)
MnDAAnovaTwoWithoutSummaryReturns summary of input data applicable to a two factor Analysis of Variance (without replication)
MnDAAnovaTwoWithSummaryReturns summary of input data applicable to a two factor Analysis of Variance (with replication)
MnDACorrelationsReturns the (lower triangular) correlation matrix between a collection of series
MnDACovariancesReturns the (lower triangular) (population) covariance matrix between a collection of series
MnDAExponentialSmoothingReturns the result of applying an exponential smoothing to a data series
MnDAFTestReturns the result of applying an F test to two series
MnDAMovingAverageReturns the result of applying a moving average algorithm to a data series
MnDateAddReturns the result of adding a set number of time intervals to a date/time
MnDateAndTimeSerialReturns a date given separate inputs for year, month, day, hour, minute and second
MnDateDiffReturns the number of time intervals between two dates/times
MnDateDiffFullReturns the number of time intervals between two dates/times, potentially including weekly data
MnDatePartReturns the relevant time part of a date/time
MnDatePartFullReturns the relevant time part of a date/time, potentially including weekly data
MnDateSerialReturns a date given separate inputs for year, month and day
MnDateValueReturns a date given a single string input
MnDATTestEqualReturns the result of applying a Student's t test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have equal variance
MnDATTestPairedReturns the result of applying a Student's t test to the difference of paired data
MnDATTestUnequalReturns the result of applying a Student's t test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have unequal variance
MnDayReturns the day of a given date/time
MnDAZTestReturns the result of applying a z test to test if two different data have means that differ by a set amount, assuming that they have known variances
MnDec2BaseNStringConverts an (unsigned) integer to an arbitrary number base (from 2 to 36)
MnDec2BinConverts an (unsigned) integer to binary form
MnDec2HexConverts an (unsigned) integer to hexadecimal form
MnDec2OctConverts an (unsigned) integer to octal form
MnDecimalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the decimal numerals
MnDegreeToRadianReturns the value in radians of an input value in degrees
MnDemoTSMCReturns an array containing estimated portfolio value, estimated (run-off) quantile and estimated control variate variance ratio
MnDemoTSMCSimGenReturns an array of simulations for use with DemoTSMC
MnDemoTSMCStrikesReturns the strikes of the instruments used by DemoTSMC
MnDemoTSMCTermsReturns the terms of the instruments used by DemoTSMC
MnDemoTSMCUnderlyingsReturns codes for the underlyings of the instruments used by DemoTSMC
MnDemoTSMCValueAnalyticalReturns analytically calculated value of portfolio used by DemoTSMC
MnDemoTSMCValueSimReturns an array of payoff present values for DemoTSMC
MnDesmooth_AR1Returns an array of desmoothed values
MnDesmooth_AR1_rhoReturns desmoothing parameter for an array
MnDevSqReturns the sum of the squared deviations of a set of values
MnDigammaReturns the value of the digamma (i.e. first derivative of the log gamma) function
MnDivideReturns the result of dividing one number by another. Equivalent to the '/' operator
MnDNSHostAddressListReturns a list of IP addresses associated with a given host name
MnDNSHostNameReturns the Host Name of a given IP address
MnDoesArrayHaveModeReturns true if the array has a unique mode (i.e. a value which it takes more than any others), otherwise returns false
MnEReturns the base of natural logarithms, i.e. e
MnEigenvalueSpreadsForRandomMatricesReturns (sorted) maximum values of eigenvalues we would expect to see for a covariance matrix derived from independent, identically distributed (Gaussian) random variables
MnEQReturns true if two numbers are equal. Equivalent to the '=' operator
MnErfReturns the error function
MnErfcReturns the complementary error function
MnErgodicProbabilitiesReturns the ergodic (long run) probabilities of a system characterised by a Markov chain being in given states
MnErrorFromValueWithBracketedErrorReturns the error element of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term
MnEvaluateEvaluates an expression
MnEvaluateExpressionsEvaluates a set of expressions ('all at once'), returning the results for selected expressions
MnEvaluateExpressionsMultiValuesEvaluates a set of expressions ('all at once') for multiple values of a given variable, returning the results for selected expressions
MnEvaluateExpressionsUsingEvaluates a set of expression for a given set of substituted variables, returning the results for selected expressions
MnEvaluateMultiValuesEvaluates an expression for multiple values of a given variable
MnEvaluateUsingEvaluates an expression for a given set of substituted variables
MnExampleDataGMMandKMCDataSeriesExample data series for Gaussian mixture modelling and k means clustering
MnExpReturns the exponential of a real number
MnExperienceAnalysisSinglePeriodCountsReturns an array containing the results of an 'experience analysis' for a single period
MnExponDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution
MnExponDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the exponential distribution
MnExponentReturns the exponent of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation)
MnExtractFromArrayReturns an extract from an array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromBooleanArrayReturns an extract from a Boolean array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromDateArrayReturns an extract from a Date array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromIntegerArrayReturns an extract from an Integer array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromStringArrayReturns an extract from a String array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnFactorialReturns the factorial of n, i.e. n!
MnFactorialDoubleReturns the double factorial of n
MnFDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function for the F distribution
MnFDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the F distribution
MnFFTReturns the (complex number) Fast Fourier Transform of an array of n complex numbers (n must be a power of 2)
MnFilterReturns a string array containing a filtered selection of elements of a string array
MnFinanceDDBReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period using a specified depreciation methodology
MnFinanceFVReturns the future value of an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate
MnFinanceIPmtReturns the interest payment for a given period for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate
MnFinanceIRRReturns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic payments and receipts
MnFinanceMIRRReturns a modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic payments and receipts taking into account financing and reinvestment rates
MnFinanceNPerReturns the number of periods over which a set of annuity-style cash flows will last
MnFinanceNPVReturns the net present value of a series of periodic payments and receipts
MnFinancePmtReturns the overall fixed payment (interest and principal) for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate
MnFinancePPmtReturns the principal payment for a given period for an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate
MnFinancePVReturns the present value of an annuity-style cash flow involving periodic fixed payments and a term-independent interest rate
MnFinanceRateReturns the interest rate (per period) for a annuity cash flow
MnFinanceSLNReturns the straight line depreciation of an asset for a single period (is same for each period)
MnFinanceSYDReturns the sum of digits depreciation of an asset for a given period
MnFInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the F distribution
MnFisherReturns the Fisher transform of a value
MnFisherInvReturns the inverse Fisher transform of a value
MnFloorRounds a number towards negative infinity
MnForecastReturns the predicted value from a linear regression exercise
MnFormatReturns InputValue as a string using Microsoft formatting conventions
MnFormatNumberReturns InputValue as a string with a given format
MnFormatPercentReturns InputValue expressed as a percentage and as a string with a given format
MnFrequencyReturns the number of entries with DataValues that fall within different bins as defined by BinValues
MnFromImproperFractionReturns a number corresponding to the input improper fraction
MnFromProperFractionReturns a number corresponding to the input proper fraction
MnFromSexagesimalReturns the value corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number
MnFTestReturns the result of an F-test to determine the probability of the F-statistic being less than the observed statistic
MnFunctionExampleParameterStringReturns an example parameter string for relevant (website) function
MnFunctionNumberOfParametersReturns the number of parameters that relevant (website) function has
MnFunctionOutputArrayDimensionReturns the number of dimensions of the output of relevant (website) function (if it has an array output)
MnFunctionOutputArrayTypeReturns A if output of relevant (website) function is an array, or S if it is a single value
MnFunctionOutputTypeReturns type of output of relevant (website) function (e.g. String, Double, Date, Boolean, Integer)
MnFunctionParameterArrayTypeReturns A if input type of relevant (website) function parameter is an array, otherwise S
MnFunctionParameterDescriptionReturns a short description of relevant (website) function parameter
MnFunctionParameterExampleReturns an example for relevant (website) function parameter
MnFunctionParameterNameReturns name of relevant (website) function parameter
MnFunctionParameterTypeReturns input type of relevant (website) function parameter (e.g. String, Double, Date, Boolean, Integer)
MnGammaReturns the value of the gamma function
MnGammaDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution
MnGammaDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the gamma distribution
MnGammaInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the gamma distribution
MnGammaLnReturns the natural log of the gamma function
MnGaussReturns the Gauss function, i.e. the cumulative (standard) normal function less 0.5
MnGaussianMixtureModellingSAReturns an array giving the results of a Gaussian mixture modelling analysis
MnGCDReturns the greatest common divisor of two strictly positive integers
MnGCDExtendedReturns an array containing the greatest common divisor and the two Bezout coefficients of two strictly positive integers
MnGeoMeanReturns the geometric mean of a set of values
MnGetCharReturns the character at CharPosition in InputString
MnGTReturns true if x>y. Equivalent to the '>' operator
MnGTEReturns true if x>=y. Equivalent to the '>=' operator
MnHaltonSequenceReturns a Halton quasi-random sequence
MnHarMeanReturns the harmonic mean of a set of values
MnHerfindahlHirschmanIndexReturns the Herfindahl-Hirshmann Index (HHI) of an array of (non-negative) market shares
MnHex2DecConverts a string in hexadecimal form to an (unsigned) integer
MnHexadecimalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the hexadecimal numerals
MnHourReturns the hour of a given date/time
MnIifReturns b if a is true, otherwise returns c
MnIncompleteBetaReturns the value of the incomplete beta function
MnIncompleteGammaReturns the value of the incomplete gamma function
MnIndexNonBlankStringArrayReturns an array containing where in Index the entries in ArrayToBeIndexed appear
MnInsertIntoArrayInserts a single entry into an array at a particular position within the input array
MnInStrReturns the position in a string where a given match string is first found
MnInStrPartReturns the position in a string where a given match string is first found, starting part way through the string
MnInStrRevReturns the position in a string where a given match string is last found
MnInStrRevPartReturns the position in a string where a given match string is last found, ending part way through the string
MnIntRounds a number towards negative infinity
MnInterceptReturns the intercept from a linear regression exercise
MnIntersectionOfDateSetsReturns the intersection of two sets
MnIntersectionOfIntegerSetsReturns the intersection of two sets
MnIntersectionOfSetsReturns the intersection of two sets
MnIntersectionOfStringSetsReturns the intersection of two sets
MnInverseNormalReturns the inverse of the cumulative unit normal function
MnIsAlphabeticReturns true if all the characters of s are alphabetic
MnIsAlphanumericReturns true if all the characters of s are alphanumeric
MnIsEvenReturns true if x (integral) is even otherwise false
MnIsOddReturns true if x (integral) is odd otherwise false
MnIsPowerOf2Indicates if n is an integral power of 2
MnIsRecognisedPhysicalUnitIndicates if a given physical unit is recognised by the website
MnJohnsonSUMOMEstimatesReturns the method of moments estimation vector for parameters of a Johnson SU probability distribution for a given dataset
MnJoinReturns a string formed by joining substrings contained in an array, consecutive substrings separated by the delimiter
MnKendalTauCoefficientReturns the Kendal tau coefficientbetween two series
MnKendalTauCoefficientsReturns an array corresponding to m x m Kendal tau coefficients between m series
MnKMeansClusteringSAReturns an array giving the results of a k means clustering analysis
MnKurtReturns the kurtosis of an array
MnLCaseReturns the lower case equivalent of InputString
MnLCMReturns the least common multiple of two strictly positive integers
MnLeastSquaresGeneralisedCurveFitReturns an array corresponding to values of a least squares generalised curve fit of input data
MnLeastSquaresPolynomialCurveFitReturns an array corresponding to values of a least squares polynomial curve fit of input data
MnLeftReturns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left hand end of a string
MnLenReturns the length of InputString
MnLibraryVersionReturns the version of the website function library currently accessible through the website
MnLibraryVersionMessageReturns a message relating to the library version currently available
MnLinearInterpolationReturns a linearly interpolated value
MnLogReturns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number
MnLog10Returns the logarithm to base 10 of a (real, positive) number
MnLogBaseNReturns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number in an arbitrary (real, positve) base
MnLogGammaReturns the value of the log gamma function
MnLognormDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution
MnLognormDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the lognormal distribution
MnLognormInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the lognormal distribution
MnLogSeriesReturns the result of applying natural logarithms to the series entries
MnLSetReturns a left aligned version of InputString
MnLTReturns true if x<y. Equivalent to the '<' operator
MnLTEReturns true if x<=y. Equivalent to the '<=' operator
MnLTrimReturns InputString but without any leading spaces
MnMantissaReturns the mantissa of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation)
MnMatAntiSymReturns the anti-symmetrised version of a square matrix
MnMatDetReturns the determinant of a square matrix
MnMatInverseReturns the inverse of a square matrix
MnMatLTReturns the lower triangular version of a symmetrical square matrix
MnMatLUDecompositionReturns the LU decomposition (without index and permutation sign) of a square matrix
MnMatLUDetReturns the determinant of the LU decomposition of a square matrix
MnMatLUEqnSolveReturns the solution to a (matrix) equation given the LU decomposition of the relevant square matrix
MnMatLUIndexAndPermReturns the LU index and permutation sign (without decomposition) of a square matrix
MnMatLUInverseReturns the inverse of a square matrix given as input its LU decomposition
MnMatLUVecSolveReturns the solution to a (vector) equations given the LU decomposition of the relevant square matrix
MnMatProductReturns the product of two matrices (explicitly passing sizes of the matrices)
MnMatSymReturns the symmetrised version of a square matrix
MnMatTraceReturns the trace of a square matrix
MnMatUnitReturns a unit matrix
MnMatUTReturns the upper triangular version of a symmetrical square matrix
MnMaxReturns the maximum of two values
MnMaximumOfArrayReturns the maximum of an array of values
MnMaximumOfDateArrayReturns the maximum of an array of dates
MnMeanReturns the mean of an array
MnMeanAbsDevVsMeanReturns the mean absolute deviation (versus the mean) of an array
MnMeanAbsDevVsMedianReturns the mean absolute deviation (versus the median) of an array
MnMedianReturns the median of an array
MnMidReturns a string containing a specified number of consecutive characters from within a string
MnMinReturns the minimum of two values
MnMinimumOfArrayReturns the minimum of an array of values
MnMinimumOfDateArrayReturns the minimum of an array of dates
MnMinusReturns the result of taking one number away from another. Equivalent to the '-' operator
MnMinuteReturns the minute of a given date/time
MnModeOfArrayReturns the mode of an array (if it exists)
MnMonthReturns the month of a given date/time
MnMonthNameEnglishReturns the (English) name of a given month, possibly abbreviated
MnMortalityTableMaxAgeReturns the maximum age recognised for the given mortality table
MnMortalityTableMinAgeReturns the minimum age recognised for the given mortality table
MnMortalityTableSexReturns the sex to which the given mortality table applies ("M"=male, "F"=female)
MnMultiplyReturns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the '*' operator
MnMultiplySeriesByConstantReturns the result of multiplying two series term-by-term
MnMultiplyTwoSeriesElementByElementReturns the result of multiplying two series term-by-term
MnMyBrowserFeatureReturns a specific feature of the browser (client) calling this function
MnMyBrowserFeaturesReturns all recognised features of the browser (client) calling this function
MnMyIPAddressReturns the IP address of the computer accessing the website
MnMyIPRequestVariablesReturns all the request variables sent by the host computer when accessing the website
MnMyProxyIPAddress(Usually) returns the IP address of the original computer accessing the website via a proxy server
MnNEReturns true if two numbers are not equal. Equivalent to the '<>' operator
MnNonNegativeIntegerToBaseNArrayReturns the digits of a non-negative integer in a given number base, in order of increasing powers of that number base
MnNormaliseArrayReturns the Normalised equivalent of the input array
MnNormaliseWeightedArrayReturns the (weighted) Normalised equivalent of the input array
MnNormalMLFitReturns maximum likelihood estimates of mean and standard devation of Normally distributed observations
MnNormalTailFitReturns least squares tail fit estimates of mean and standard devation of Normally distributed observations
MnNowReturns current date and time (of server)
MnNthRootReturns the n'th root of a (real) number
MnNumberOfDaysInMonthReturns the number of days in a month
MnOct2DecConverts a string in octal form to an (unsigned) integer
MnOctalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the octal numerals
MnOptimisedTrinomialLatticeProbsReturns an array giving the optimised trinomial lattice movement probabilities
MnOrderOfArrayReturns the ordering of a Double array
MnOrderOfDateArrayReturns the ordering of a Date array
MnOrderOfIntegerArrayReturns the ordering of an Integer array
MnOrderOfStringArrayReturns the ordering of a String array
MnParseBooleanArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseDoubleArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseIntegerArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseStringArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseStringInto2dBooleanArrayReturns a 2d Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dDateUKArrayReturns a 2d Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dDoubleArrayReturns a 2d Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dIntegerArrayReturns a 2d Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dStringArrayReturns a 2d String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoBooleanArrayReturns a Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoDateUKArrayReturns a Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoDoubleArrayReturns a Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoIntegerArrayReturns an Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoStringArrayReturns a String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnPercentReturns the value of x per cent (i.e. 0.01 times x)
MnPercentileReturns a given percentile point for an array with lowest value deemed to be 0'th percentile and highest 1'th percentile
MnPercentileExcReturns a given percentile point for an array with lowest value deemed to be 1/(n+1)'th percentile and highest n/(n+1)'th percentile
MnPFDecrementTableReturns a decrement table in a format that can be used for further pension fund projection work
MnPFProjectBenefitsDepletedOutgoWoundUpReturns the outgo through time expected from each aggregate membership category conditional on scheme winding up at different points in time (sponsor not necessarily making good any shortfall)
MnPFProjectBenefitsOutgoWoundUpReturns the outgo through time expected from each aggregate membership category conditional on scheme winding up at different points in time (assuming sponsor makes good any shortfall)
MnPFProjectBenefitsProbDefaultReturns probability of sponsor (possibly adjusted to reflect economic or scheme-specific drivers)
MnPFProjectBenefitsPVSingleRunReturns the current value of members' future benefits allowing for the possibility that the scheme sponsor may not make good shortfalls on wind-up
MnPgpmFundPercentileRankReturns the percentile rank of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmFundRankReturns the rank of a specified fund in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmFundRetReturns the return of a specified fund in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmFundRetExistsReturns TRUE if the fund has a fund return in a peer group performance dataset, otherwise returns FALSE
MnPgpmFundRetsReturns the returns of all of the funds in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmFundRetsExistReturns a boolean array, where element is TRUE if the fund has a fund return in a peer group performance dataset, otherwise element is FALSE
MnPgpmFundVolatilityPopulationReturns the (absolute) fund volatility of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmFundVolatilitySampleReturns the (absolute) fund volatility of a given fund in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmMedianRetReturns the median return of a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmPercentileRetReturns the specified percentile (quantile) for the spread of distributions of returns in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmRelativeRetReturns the return of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmTrackingErrorPopulationReturns the tracking error of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset
MnPgpmTrackingErrorSampleReturns the tracking error of a specified fund (relative to the median) in a peer group performance dataset
MnPiReturns the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, i.e. pi
MnPlotExpressionReturns a SmartCode for a plot of an expression
MnPlotExpressionsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of several expressions
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientFrontierReturns a SmartCode for a plot of a mean-variance efficient frontier
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientPortfoliosReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the asset mixes underlying a mean-variance efficient frontier
MnPlotStandardisedQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot
MnPlotStandardisedQQWithComparisonsReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot (with optional additional comparisons)
MnPlotStandardisedUpwards1dQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised 'upwards' 1-dimensional quantile-quantile plot
MnPlotWeightedStandardisedQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot in which different weights are given to different observations
MnPlotXdateYLineChartReturns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving dates and y involving numeric values
MnPlotXYExpressionGeneralReturns a SmartCode for a xy chart with the y series derived from expression evaluations
MnPlotXYLineChartReturns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving date values and y involving numeric values
MnPoissonCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the poisson distribution
MnPoissonPmfReturns the probability mass function of the poisson distribution
MnPolarToCartesianReturns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as an array
MnPolarToCartesian2Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as two separate values
MnPolyInterpReturns a polynomial interpolated value
MnPopulationCovarianceReturns the population covariance between two series
MnPopulationCovariancesReturns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the population covariance matrix
MnPopulationKurtReturns the (population) (excess) kurtosis of an array
MnPopulationSkewReturns the (population) skew of an array
MnPopulationStdevReturns the (population) standard deviation of an array
MnPopulationVarianceReturns the (population) variance of an array
MnPowerReturns x to the power y
MnPrincipalComponentsReturns the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series
MnPrincipalComponentsSizesReturns the sizes of the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series
MnPrincipalComponentsWeightsReturns the weights ascribed to the principal components extracted from several simultaneous data series
MnProbDistCdfEvaluates the cumulative distribution function for a given probability distribution
MnProbDistCtsBoundedLowerIndicates if a (continuous) probability distribution has a lower bound other than minus infinity
MnProbDistCtsBoundedUpperIndicates if a (continuous) probability distribution has an upper bound other than plus infinity
MnProbDistCtsLowerBoundReturns lower bound of (continuous) probability distribution (if it is bounded below)
MnProbDistCtsUpperBoundReturns upper bound of (continuous) probability distribution (if it is bounded above)
MnProbDistHazardFunctionReturns the hazard function for a given probability distribution
MnProbDistIsCtsReturns true if probability distribution is continuous, false if it is discrete
MnProbDistKurtReturns the (excess) kurtosis of a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistLikelihoodReturns the likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution
MnProbDistLogLikelihoodReturns the log-likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution
MnProbDistMeanReturns the mean of a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistMLEReturns the maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistMLERestrictedReturns the maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistPageReturns the main Nematrian web page referring to a given probability distribution
MnProbDistParamCountReturns the number of the parameters used in the specification of the probability distribution
MnProbDistParamNamesReturns the names of the parameters used in the specification of the probability distribution
MnProbDistPdfEvaluates the probability density function for a given (continuous) probability distribution
MnProbDistPlotCdfReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the cumulative density function of a statistical distribution
MnProbDistPlotCdfsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the cumulative density function of several statistical distributions
MnProbDistPlotPdfReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability density function of a continuous statistical distribution
MnProbDistPlotPdfsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability density function of several continuous statistical distributions
MnProbDistPlotPmfReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability mass function of a discrete statistical distribution
MnProbDistPlotPmfsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the probability mass function of several discrete statistical distributions
MnProbDistPlotQQReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the quantile-quantile plot of a statistical distribution
MnProbDistPlotQQsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the quantile-quantile plot of several statistical distributions
MnProbDistPmfEvaluates the probability mass function for a given (discrete) probability distribution
MnProbDistPolyEvalCalculates the expected value of a (possibly bounded) polynomial for a given (continuous) probability distribution
MnProbDistQuantileEvaluates the quantile, i.e. inverse cdf, for a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistRandReturns a single random draw from a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistRandArrayReturns a (seeded) random array of draws from a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistRandArrayEqSpReturns a (seeded) random array of draws from a given probability distrbution, using equally spaced quantiles
MnProbDistSkewReturns the skew (skewness) of a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistStdReturns the standard deviation of a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistTailValueAtRiskReturns the tail value at risk of a given probability distribution
MnProbDistTWLSReturns the tail weighted least squares estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistTWLSRestrictedReturns the tail weighted least squares estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistTWMLEReturns the tail weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistTWMLERestrictedReturns the tail weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistValueAtRiskReturns the value at risk of a given probability distribution
MnProbDistVarReturns the variance of a given probability distrbution
MnProbDistWeightedLikelihoodReturns the weighted likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution
MnProbDistWeightedLogLikelihoodReturns the weighted log-likelihood of a given dataset for a a given probability distribution
MnProbDistWeightedMLEReturns the weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProbDistWeightedMLERestrictedReturns the weighted maximum likelihood estimation vector for parameters (only some of which may vary) of a given probability distribution for a given dataset
MnProductReturns the product of a set of values
MnProperCapitalizes (converts to uppercase) the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter and converts all other letters to lowercase letters
MnPVAnnuityCtsReturns the value of a continuously payable cash flow stream
MnPVSwapCtsReturns the value of a continuously payable swap
MnPVZeroReturns the value of a zero coupon bond
MnQuartileReturns a given quantile point for an array (quart = 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) with lowest value deemed to be 0'th percentile and highest 1'th percentile
MnQuartileExcReturns a given quantile point for an array (quart = 1, 2, 3) with lowest value deemed to be 1/(n+1)'th percentile and highest n/(n+1)'th percentile
MnRadianToDegreeReturns the value in degrees of an input value in radians
MnRandReturns a uniform random number between 0 and 1
MnRandBetweenReturns a uniform (integral) random number between bottom and top
MnRandomlySelectStateSelects a state (0 to n-1) based on state probabilities and a number between 0 and 1
MnRandomOrderingReturns a random ordering of the integers from 0 to n-1
MnRandomPermutationReturns a pre-seeded random ordering of the integers from 0 to n-1
MnRecognisedBrowserFeaturesReturns a list of the recognised browser features that can be used in MyBrowserFeature
MnRecognisedChartLegendDockingsReturns a list of the recognised types of LegendDocking that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesColorsReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesColor that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesLineStylesReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesLineStyle that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesTypesReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesType that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedMortalityTableNumberOfVariantsReturns the number of variants recognised by the website for a given mortality table that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise
MnRecognisedMortalityTablesReturns an array containing the mortality tables that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise
MnRecognisedMortalityTableVariantsReturns an array of the variants recognised by the website for a given mortality table that ValueOfAnnuity etc. recognise
MnRecognisedPhysicalUnitsReturns an array of the physical units recognised by the website for unit conversion purposes
MnRecognisedProbDistsReturns a string array listing probability distributions recognised by website analytics
MnRecognisedSearchSpidersReturns a list of websites and names associated by the Nematrian website with search spiders
MnRegularisedIncompleteBetaReturns the value of the regularised incomplete beta function
MnRelativeVolUsingCorrReturns the relative risk (volatility) of a portfolio versus a benchmark from correlations
MnRelativeVolUsingCovReturns the relative risk (volatility) of a portfolio versus a benchmark from covariances
MnRemoveAllInstancesOfStringFromStringReturns a string which has had all instances of another string removed from it
MnReorderSeriesReturns InputArray but reordered as per IndexArray
MnRepeatStringRepeats a string n times
MnReplaceReturns a string in which some substrings are replaced by others
MnResampledPortfolioOptimiserReturns a vector characterising the portfolio weights of a 'resampled' mean-variance optimal portfolio
MnRestateYieldOrDiscountConverts interest rates between annualisation conventions
MnReverseArrayReturns an array with the order of the elements of the original (numerical) array reversed
MnReverseBooleanArrayReturns a Boolean array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseDateArrayReturns a Date array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseIntegerArrayReturns an Integer array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseQuadraticPortfolioOptimiserReturns an array of implied alphas, i.e. return assumptions needed for portfolio to be optimal
MnReverseStringArrayReturns a String array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnRightReturns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right hand end of a string
MnRoundToNdpReturns the input value, x, rounded to n decimal places
MnRoundToNsfReturns the input value, x, rounded to n significant figures
MnRSetReturns a right aligned version of InputString
MnRSqReturns the r-squared for a regression between known y's and known x's
MnRTrimReturns InputString but without any trailing spaces
MnSearchForSearchSpidersReturns the name of a search engine website/name if there is one in the input string
MnSecReturns the secant of a real number
MnSechReturns the hyperbolic secant of a real number
MnSecondReturns the second of a given date/time
MnSeriesSumReturns the sum of a power series
MnSessionIdExpiresReturns the date / time when the relevant SessionId expires
MnSetOfMembersOfArrayReturns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSetOfMembersOfDateArrayReturns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSetOfMembersOfIntegerArrayReturns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSetOfMembersOfStringArrayReturns an array corresponding to the set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSIDimensionNamesReturns an array giving the base dimensions of the SI physical unit system
MnSIDimensionsOfReturns an array giving the SI dimensions of a given physical unit
MnSignReturns the sign of a real number
MnSimplifyFractionReturns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given an array containing a then b (a and b integral)
MnSimplifyFraction2Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given separate inputs for a and b (a and b integral)
MnSimulateGaussianMixtureReturns simulations of variables assuming that they are drawn from one of a set of Gaussian states with probabilities that follow a Markov chain
MnSinReturns the sine of a real number
MnSinhReturns the hyperbolic sine of a real number
MnSkewReturns the skewness of an array
MnSlice2dArrayReturns a vector array that a cross-sectional slice from a two dimensional array
MnSlopeReturns the slope from a linear regression exercise
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFCombineStressesReturns recognised Stress Set Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeCorrsReturns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeStressNamesReturns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFMktCorrsReturns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFMktStressNamesReturns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFNonLifeCorrsReturns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFNonLifeStressNamesReturns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFOverallCorrsReturns correlations for corresponding Stress Names used when calculating relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR component
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFOverallStressNamesReturns recognised Stress Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFStressSetNamesReturns recognised Stress Set Names for relevant Solvency II standard formula SCR risk charge aggregation
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFTermStructureStressedRateReturns Stressed Rate derived by applying Solvency II Term Structure Stress
MnSolvencyII_SCRSFTermStructureStressFactorsReturns Table of Stress Factors derived by Solvency II Term Structure Stresses
MnSortedArrayReturns the sorted equivalent of a Numeric array
MnSortedDateArrayReturns the sorted equivalent of a Date array
MnSortedIntegerArrayReturns the sorted equivalent of an Integer array
MnSortedIntersectionOfDateSetsReturns the sorted intersection of two sets
MnSortedIntersectionOfIntegerSetsReturns the sorted intersection of two sets
MnSortedIntersectionOfSetsReturns the sorted intersection of two sets
MnSortedIntersectionOfStringSetsReturns the sorted intersection of two sets
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfArrayReturns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfDateArrayReturns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfIntegerArrayReturns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSortedSetOfMembersOfStringArrayReturns an array corresponding to the sorted set of (distinct) members of an array
MnSortedStringArrayReturns the sorted equivalent of an Integer array
MnSortedUnionOfDateSetsReturns the sorted union of two sets
MnSortedUnionOfIntegerSetsReturns the sorted union of two sets
MnSortedUnionOfSetsReturns the sorted union of two sets
MnSortedUnionOfStringSetsReturns the sorted union of two sets
MnSpaceReturns a string consisting of n spaces
MnSpearmanRankCorrelationReturns the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two series
MnSpearmanRankCorrelationsReturns an array corresponding to the m x m elements of the Spearman rank correlation matrix
MnSplitReturns a string array that splits up the InputString into elements which had been separated by the Delimiter
MnSqrtReturns the square root of a (real non-negative) number
MnSqrtPiReturns the square root of (InputValue times pi)
MnStandardisedNormalQuantilesReturns an array of standardised normal quantile points
MnStandardWeightedCubicQuantileFitReturns an array giving a 'standard' weighted cubic quantile fit to a series of values
MnStandardWeightedCubicQuantileFitInclEndsReturns an array giving a 'standard' weighted cubic quantile fit to a series of values
MnStdevReturns the (sample) standard deviation of an array
MnStrReturns a string representation of InputValue
MnStrCompIndicates whether InputString1 is less than (-1), equal to (0) or greater than (+1) InputString2
MnStringToBaseNArrayReturns a digit array representation of an unsigned integer given by a string in a given number base
MnStrReverseReturns InputString but with order of characters reversed
MnSudokuSolveSolves a Sudoku Puzzle
MnSumReturns the sum of a set of values
MnSumProductReturns the sum of the product of two sets of values
MnSumSqReturns the sum of the squares of a set of values
MnSumX2MY2Returns the sum of the differences of the squares of two sets of values
MnSumX2PY2Returns the sum of the sums of the squares of two sets of values
MnSumXMY2Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between two sets of values
MnTanReturns the tangent of a real number
MnTanhReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a real number
MnTDistCdfReturns the cumulative distribution function of the Student's t distribution
MnTDistPdfReturns the probability density function of the Student's t distribution
MnTimeOfDayReturns the current time of day (of server) as a Date value
MnTimerReturns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight (for the server)
MnTimeSerialReturns a time given separate inputs for hour, minute and second
MnTimeStringReturns a string representation of the current time (of the server)
MnTimeValueReturns the time represented by a given date/time in string representation, ignoring the date
MnTInvReturns the inverse cdf, i.e. quantile, of the Student's t distribution
MnTodayReturns current date (of server)
MnToSexagesimalReturns an array corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number
MnTrailingVolatilityAdjustArrayReturns a new array derived by adjusting the InputArray by the volatility (stdev) of the preceding TrailPeriod entries
MnTrimReturns InputString but without any leading and trailing spaces
MnTruncateRounds a number towards 0
MnUCaseReturns the upper case equivalent of InputString
MnUminusReturns -x. Equivalent to the unitary '-' operator
MnUnionOfDateSetsReturns the union of two sets
MnUnionOfIntegerSetsReturns the union of two sets
MnUnionOfSetsReturns the union of two sets
MnUnionOfStringSetsReturns the union of two sets
MnUnitNormalDensityReturns the unit normal density (i.e. mass) function. The unit Normal distribution has a mean of 0 (zero) and a standard deviation of 1 (one)
MnUnivariatePolynomialMultiplyReturns an array characterising the product of two polynomials
MnUplusReturns +x. Equivalent to the unitary '+' operator
MnValConverts InputString to a number, if possible
MnValidNematrianWebFunctionsReturns an array containing all currently recognised Nematrian web functions
MnValueFromValueWithBracketedErrorReturns the 'base' value of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term
MnValueOfAnnuityReturns the value of an annuity given a single (continuously compounded) interest rate
MnVarianceReturns the (sample) variance of an array
MnWeightedCorrelationReturns the weighted correlation between two series
MnWeightedCorrelationsReturns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted correlation coefficient matrix
MnWeightedCovarianceReturns the weighted (sample) covariance between two series
MnWeightedCovariancesReturns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted (sample) covariance matrix
MnWeightedDesmooth_AR1Returns an array of desmoothed values (giving different weights to different observations)
MnWeightedDesmooth_AR1_rhoReturns desmoothing parameter for an array (giving different weights to different observations)
MnWeightedMeanReturns the weighted mean of an array
MnWeightedMeanAbsDevVsMeanReturns the weighted mean absolute deviation (versus the mean) of an array
MnWeightedMeanAbsDevVsMedianReturns the weighted mean absolute deviation (versus the median) of an array
MnWeightedMedianReturns the weighted median of an array
MnWeightedPercentileReturns the weighted percentile of an array
MnWeightedPopulationCovarianceReturns the weighted population covariance matrix between two series
MnWeightedPopulationCovariancesReturns an array consisting of the m x m entries in the weighted population covariance matrix
MnWeightedPopulationKurtReturns the weighted population (excess) kurtosis of an array
MnWeightedPopulationSkewReturns the weighted population skew of an array
MnWeightedPopulationStdevReturns the weighted population standard deviation of an array
MnWeightedPopulationVarianceReturns the weighted population variance of an array
MnWeightedSkewReturns the weighted skew of an array
MnWeightedSpearmanRankCorrelationReturns the weighted Spearman rank correlation coefficient between two series
MnWeightedStdevReturns the weighted (sample) standard deviation of an array
MnWeightedVarianceReturns the weighted (sample) variance of an array
MnWeightOverlapReturns the weight overlap between two portfolios
MnYearReturns the year of a given date/time

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