
Derivative Pricing – Semi-Analytic Lattice Integrator Approaches

2. Carrying out the required integrations

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2.1          There are several possible choices for the ‘basis’ function elements of SALI, i.e. the . If we are focusing on a single factor model, then  is a scalar function rather than a vector function. Natural choices of basis functions are then:


(a)    Low-order piece-wise smooth polynomials, such as cubic splines. Only a few node points are usually necessary to obtain a pretty accurate representation of a smooth function. Hu, Kerkhof, McCloud and Wackertapp (2006) focus on this approach.


(b)   Higher order polynomial curve fits. There are many different ways of approximating arbitrarily accurately a function over a given range by using a polynomial series expansion, typically formulated using orthogonal polynomials, e.g. Legendre polynomials.


(c)    Curve fits using other function series that can arbitrarily accurately approximate a function over a given range, where the functions in question are more easily or more accurately capable of being integrated against the probability density in question or can more succinctly match the payoff function in question.


2.2          One reason why (c) may be better than (b) can be seen by considering how SALI might be applied to the special case of European-style vanilla call and put options in a Black-Scholes world (for which there are already analytic formulae, see hedging parameters applicable to vanilla and binary puts and calls in a Black-Scholes world). The underlying process (for a non-dividend bearing underlying) in this case involves:



where .


Thus the natural curve fit to use in this instance is an exponential, since we then recover exactly the Black-Scholes formulae, see e.g. Black-Scholes derivation using stochastic calculus. This corresponds to polynomial curve fitting of  rather than  itself.


2.3          Various analytical results that can be used in this context when the payoff function is approximated using basis elements that are either polynomials or exponentials of polynomials (if the underlying follows a Weiner process or some straightforward variants) are described in integration of piece-wise polynomials against a Gaussian PDF.


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