
Quantitative Return Forecasting

3. The spectrum and z-transform of a time series

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3.1          An equivalent way of analysing a time series is via its spectrum since we can transform a time series into a frequency spectrum (and vice versa) using Fourier transforms. Take for example another sort of prototypical time series model, i.e. the moving average or MA model. This assumes that the output depends purely on an input series (without autoregressive components), i.e.:



3.2          There are three equivalent characterisations of a  model:


(a)    In the time domain - i.e. directly via the .


(b)   In the form of autocorrelations, i.e.  (where  means the expected value of  and  and . If the input to the system is a stochastic process with input values at different times being uncorrelated (i.e.  for ) then the autocorrelation coefficients become:



(c)    In the frequency domain. If the input to a  model is an impulse then the spectrum of the output (i.e. the result of applying the discrete Fourier transform to the time series) is given by:



3.3          It is possible to show that an AR model of the form described earlier has a power spectrum of the following form: . The obvious next step in complexity is to have both AR and MA components in the same model, e.g. an  model, of the following form:



3.4          The output of an  model is most easily understood in terms of the z-transform, which generalises the discrete Fourier transform to the complex plane, i.e.:



3.5          On the unit circle in the complex plane the z-transform reduces to the discrete Fourier transform. Off the unit circle, it measures the rate of divergence or convergence of a series. Convolution of two series in the time domain corresponds to the multiplication of their z-transforms. Therefore the z-transform of the output of an  model is:



3.6          This has the form of an input z-transform  multiplied by a transfer function  unrelated to the input. The transfer function is zero at the zeros of the  term, i.e. where , and diverges to infinity, i.e. has poles (in a complex number sense), where , unless these are cancelled by zeros in the numerator. The number of poles and zeros in this equation determines the number of degrees of freedom in the model. Since only a ratio appears there is no unique   model for any given system. In extreme cases, a finite-order  model can always be expressed by an infinite-order  model, and vice versa.


3.7          There is no fundamental reason to expect an arbitrary model to be able to be described in an  form. However, if we believe that a system is linear in nature then it is reasonable to attempt to approximate its true transfer function by a ratio of polynomials, i.e. as an  model. This is a problem in function approximation. It can be shown that a suitable sequence of ratios of polynomials (called Padé approximants) converges faster than a power series for an arbitrary function. But this still leaves unresolved the question of what the order of the model should be, i.e. what values of  and  to adopt. This is in part linked to how best to approximate the z-transform. There are several heuristic algorithms for finding the ‘right’ order, for example the Akaike Information Criterion, see e.g. Billah, Hyndman and Koehler (2003). These heuristic approaches usually rely very heavily on the model being linear and can also be sensitive to the assumptions adopted for the error terms.


3.8          This point is also related to the distinction between in-sample and out-of-sample analysis. By in-sample we mean an analysis carried out on a particular data set not worrying about the fact that later observations would not have been know about at earlier times in the analysis. If, as will always be the case in practice, the data series is finite then incorporating sufficient parameters in the model will always enable us to fit the data exactly (in much the same way that a sufficiently high order polynomial can always be made to fit exactly a fixed number of points on a curve).


3.9          What normally happens is that the researcher will choose one period of time to estimate the parameters characterising the model and will then test the model out-of-sample using data for a subsequent (but still historic) time period. Sometimes the parameters will be fixed at the end of the in-sample period.


3.10        Alternatively, if we have some a priori knowledge about the nature of the linear relationship then our best estimate at any point in time will be updated as more knowledge becomes available in a Bayesian fashion. Updating estimates of the linear parameters in this manner is usually called applying a Kalman filter to the process, a technique that is also used in general insurance claims reserving.


3.11        In derivative pricing there is a similar need to avoid look-forward bias, and this is achieved via the use of so called adapted series, i.e. random series where you do not know what future impact the randomness being assumed will have until you reach the relevant point in time when the randomness arises.


3.12        However, it is worth bearing in mind that even rigorous policing of in-sample and out-of-sample analysis does not avoid an implicit element of ‘look-forward-ness’ when carrying out back tests of how a particular quantitative return forecasting might perform in the future. This is because the forecasters can be thought of as having a range of possible models from which they might choose. They are unlikely to present results where out-of-sample behaviour is not as desired. Given a sufficiently large number of possible model types, it is always be possible to find one consistent with an in-sample analysis that also looks good in a subsequent out-of-sample analysis. By the time we do the analysis we actually know what happened in both periods.


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