
Quantitative Return Forecasting

2. Traditional time series analysis

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2.1          Consider first a situation where we only have one time series where we are attempting to forecast future values from observed past values. For example, the time series followed by a given variable might be governed by the following relationship, where the value at time t of the variable is denoted by  where  is constant.


2.2          This is a linear first order difference equation. A difference equation is an expression relating a variable  to its previous values. The above equation is first order because only the first lag () appears on the right hand side of the equation. It is linear because it expresses  as a linear function of  and the innovations .  are often treated as random variables, but we do not always need to do this.


2.3          Such a model of the world is also an autoregressive model, with a unit time lag and is therefore typically referred to as an  model. It is also time stationary, since  is constant. Nearly all linear time series analysis assumes time invariance. We could however introduce secular changes by assuming one of the variables on which the time series is based is a dummy variable linked to time. An example commonly referred to in the quantitative investment literature is a dummy variable set equal to 1 in January but 0 otherwise, to identify whether there is any ‘January’ effect.


2.4          If we know the value  at  then we find using recursive substitution that .                 We can also determine the effect of each individual   on, say, , the value of  that is  time periods further into the future value than . This is sometimes called the dynamic multiplier . If  then such a system is stable, in the sense that the consequences of a given change in  will eventually die out. It is unstable if . An interesting possibility is the borderline case where , when the output variable  is the sum of its initial starting value and historical inputs.


2.5          We can generalise the above dynamic system to be a linear p’th order difference equation by making it depend on the first  lags along with the current value of the innovation (input value) ,  i.e. . This can be rewritten in vector/matrix form as a first order difference equation, but relating to a vector, if we define the vector as follows:



2.6          These sorts of dynamic systems have richer structures than simple scalar difference equations. For a p’th order equation we have:  (if  is the element in the i’th row and k’th column of ). To analyse the characteristics of such a system in more detail, we first need to identify the eigenvalues of . These are the values of  for which  where  is the identity matrix. They are the roots to the following equation:



2.7          A p’th order equation such as this always has p roots, but some of these may be complex numbers rather than real ones, even if (as would be the case in practice for investment time series) all the  are real numbers. Complex roots correspond to cyclical (sinusoidal) behaviour. We can therefore have combinations of exponential decay, exponential growth and sinusoidal (perhaps damped or inflating) behaviour. For such a system to be stable we require all the eigenvalues  to satisfy , i.e. for their absolute values all to be less than unity.


2.8          Eigenvalues are closely associated with principal components analysis. All non-negative definite symmetric  matrices, , will have  non-negative eigenvalues  and associated eigenvectors  (the eigenvectors can sometimes be degenerate) that satisfy . The eigenvalues can be the same in which case the eigenvectors can be degenerate. The eigenvectors are orthogonal (or can be chosen to be orthogonal if they are degenerate), so that any n-vector  can be written as .


2.9          The principal components are the eigenvectors of the relevant covariance matrix corresponding to the largest eigenvalues, since they explain the greatest amount of variance when averaged over all possible positions. This is because . There is no fundamental reason why all stocks should be given equal weight in this averaging process. Different weighting schemas result in different vectors being deemed ‘principal’.


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