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Function Description

Returns text to create a formula that will concatenate the values in a range of spreadsheet cells, including a delimiter (i.e. a specific piece of text) between each entry.


StartCellRow and StartCellCol (both integers) define the top left hand corner of the range, the size of which is defined by NoRows and NoCols (also both integers). If TransposeRange is true then the resulting formula will cycle through the cells starting at the top left hand corner working downwards and then across, whereas if TransposeRange is false then the resulting formula works across then down. The string inserted between each cell value is DelimiterString. If FrozenRows is true then the formua created by this function includes absolute row cell references, e.g. A$1, whereas if FrozenRows is false then it creates relative row cell references, e.g. A1. FrozenCols does the same but for column cell references, e.g. $A1 versus A1.


This function is particularly useful for creating formulae that can be used within a WEBSERVICE call or equivalent, see e.g. Introduction to the Nematrian Spreadsheet Library.


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Output type / Parameter details

Output type: String
Parameter NameVariable TypeDescription
StartCellRowIntegerRow of top left hand corner of range
StartCellColIntegerColumn of top left hand corner of range
NoRowsIntegerNumber of rows in range
NoColsIntegerNumber of columns in range
DelimiterStringStringDelimiter string to insert between consecutive cell values
TransposeRangeBooleanIf true then work down each column in turn, else work across each row in turn
FrozenRowsBooleanIf true formula uses absolute row cell references, else relative ones
FrozenColsBooleanIf true formula uses absolute column cell references, else relative ones

Links to:

-          Interactively run function

-          Interactive instructions

-          Example calculation

-          Output type / Parameter details

-          Illustrative spreadsheet

-          Other General functions

-          Computation units used

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