
The Nematrian Function Library

General / Miscellaneous Functions

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The Nematrian function library includes a range of tools. Most are specifically classified into one of a range of core topics. Those that are not otherwise classified include ones set out in the table below.


To see a complete list of functions currently available in the Nematrian online toolkit please go to list of types of available functions or complete list of individual functions.


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Web functionShort description of function
MnArrayAddReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 plus element of Array2
MnArrayDivideReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 divided by element of Array2
MnArrayMultiplyReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 multiplied by element of Array2
MnArraySubtractReturns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 minus element of Array2
MnBaseNArrayToNonNegativeIntegerReturns an integer equal to that represented in digit form
MnBaseNArrayToStringReturns a string representation of an unsigned integer given by a digit array in a given number base
MnBaseNString2DecConverts a string in base n form to an (unsigned) integer
MnBin2DecConverts a string in binary form to an (unsigned) integer
MnBitAndCarries out a bit-wise AND operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBitLShiftShifts a number in string binary format to the left
MnBitOrCarries out a bit-wise OR operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBitRShiftShifts a number in string binary format to the right
MnBitXorCarries out a bit-wise XOR operation on two binary numbers (in string form)
MnBrowserFeatureDescriptionsReturns a 2d array returning a list of recognised browser feature names and descriptions of these features
MnCellFormulaA1StyleRangeConcatenateReturns text of a formula to concatenate cell values together
MnCellReferenceA1StyleReturns text of a cell reference (A1-style)
MnConvertDateArrayToDoubleArrayReturns an array of Double variables from Date variables (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDateToDoubleReturns a Double variable from a Date variable (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDoubleArrayToDateArrayReturns an array of Date variables from Double variables (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnConvertDoubleToDateReturns a Date variable from a Double variable (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic)
MnCountArrayReturns the number of entries in the (numerical) InputArray
MnCountBooleanArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountDateArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountIntegerArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCountStringArrayReturns the number of entries in InputArray
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatedElementReturns an array that includes the same element repeated n times
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatingElementsReturns an array that involves sets of repeated elements arranged after each other
MnDec2BaseNStringConverts an (unsigned) integer to an arbitrary number base (from 2 to 36)
MnDec2BinConverts an (unsigned) integer to binary form
MnDec2HexConverts an (unsigned) integer to hexadecimal form
MnDec2OctConverts an (unsigned) integer to octal form
MnDNSHostAddressListReturns a list of IP addresses associated with a given host name
MnDNSHostNameReturns the Host Name of a given IP address
MnErrorFromValueWithBracketedErrorReturns the error element of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term
MnExtractFromArrayReturns an extract from an array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromBooleanArrayReturns an extract from a Boolean array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromDateArrayReturns an extract from a Date array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromIntegerArrayReturns an extract from an Integer array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnExtractFromStringArrayReturns an extract from a String array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array
MnFFTReturns the (complex number) Fast Fourier Transform of an array of n complex numbers (n must be a power of 2)
MnHex2DecConverts a string in hexadecimal form to an (unsigned) integer
MnIndexNonBlankStringArrayReturns an array containing where in Index the entries in ArrayToBeIndexed appear
MnInsertIntoArrayInserts a single entry into an array at a particular position within the input array
MnLibraryVersionReturns the version of the website function library currently accessible through the website
MnLibraryVersionMessageReturns a message relating to the library version currently available
MnLinearInterpolationReturns a linearly interpolated value
MnMyBrowserFeatureReturns a specific feature of the browser (client) calling this function
MnMyBrowserFeaturesReturns all recognised features of the browser (client) calling this function
MnMyIPAddressReturns the IP address of the computer accessing the website
MnMyIPRequestVariablesReturns all the request variables sent by the host computer when accessing the website
MnMyProxyIPAddress(Usually) returns the IP address of the original computer accessing the website via a proxy server
MnNonNegativeIntegerToBaseNArrayReturns the digits of a non-negative integer in a given number base, in order of increasing powers of that number base
MnNumberOfDaysInMonthReturns the number of days in a month
MnOct2DecConverts a string in octal form to an (unsigned) integer
MnParseBooleanArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseDoubleArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseIntegerArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseStringArrayIntoStringReturns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter
MnParseStringInto2dBooleanArrayReturns a 2d Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dDateUKArrayReturns a 2d Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dDoubleArrayReturns a 2d Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dIntegerArrayReturns a 2d Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringInto2dStringArrayReturns a 2d String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoBooleanArrayReturns a Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoDateUKArrayReturns a Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoDoubleArrayReturns a Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoIntegerArrayReturns an Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnParseStringIntoStringArrayReturns a String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string
MnPolyInterpReturns a polynomial interpolated value
MnRecognisedBrowserFeaturesReturns a list of the recognised browser features that can be used in MyBrowserFeature
MnRecognisedSearchSpidersReturns a list of websites and names associated by the Nematrian website with search spiders
MnRestateYieldOrDiscountConverts interest rates between annualisation conventions
MnReverseArrayReturns an array with the order of the elements of the original (numerical) array reversed
MnReverseBooleanArrayReturns a Boolean array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseDateArrayReturns a Date array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseIntegerArrayReturns an Integer array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnReverseStringArrayReturns a String array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed
MnSearchForSearchSpidersReturns the name of a search engine website/name if there is one in the input string
MnSessionIdExpiresReturns the date / time when the relevant SessionId expires
MnSlice2dArrayReturns a vector array that a cross-sectional slice from a two dimensional array
MnStringToBaseNArrayReturns a digit array representation of an unsigned integer given by a string in a given number base
MnUnivariatePolynomialMultiplyReturns an array characterising the product of two polynomials
MnValueFromValueWithBracketedErrorReturns the 'base' value of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term

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