Web function | Short description of function |
MnArrayAdd | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 plus element of Array2 |
MnArrayDivide | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 divided by element of Array2 |
MnArrayMultiply | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 multiplied by element of Array2 |
MnArraySubtract | Returns an array whose elements term by term are equal to element of Array1 minus element of Array2 |
MnBaseNArrayToNonNegativeInteger | Returns an integer equal to that represented in digit form |
MnBaseNArrayToString | Returns a string representation of an unsigned integer given by a digit array in a given number base |
MnBaseNString2Dec | Converts a string in base n form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnBin2Dec | Converts a string in binary form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnBitAnd | Carries out a bit-wise AND operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBitLShift | Shifts a number in string binary format to the left |
MnBitOr | Carries out a bit-wise OR operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBitRShift | Shifts a number in string binary format to the right |
MnBitXor | Carries out a bit-wise XOR operation on two binary numbers (in string form) |
MnBrowserFeatureDescriptions | Returns a 2d array returning a list of recognised browser feature names and descriptions of these features |
MnCellFormulaA1StyleRangeConcatenate | Returns text of a formula to concatenate cell values together |
MnCellReferenceA1Style | Returns text of a cell reference (A1-style) |
MnConvertDateArrayToDoubleArray | Returns an array of Double variables from Date variables (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDateToDouble | Returns a Double variable from a Date variable (using the 'Date.FromOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDoubleArrayToDateArray | Returns an array of Date variables from Double variables (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnConvertDoubleToDate | Returns a Date variable from a Double variable (using the 'Date.ToOADate' facility in Visual Basic) |
MnCountArray | Returns the number of entries in the (numerical) InputArray |
MnCountBooleanArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountDateArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountIntegerArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCountStringArray | Returns the number of entries in InputArray |
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatedElement | Returns an array that includes the same element repeated n times |
MnCreateArrayWithRepeatingElements | Returns an array that involves sets of repeated elements arranged after each other |
MnDec2BaseNString | Converts an (unsigned) integer to an arbitrary number base (from 2 to 36) |
MnDec2Bin | Converts an (unsigned) integer to binary form |
MnDec2Hex | Converts an (unsigned) integer to hexadecimal form |
MnDec2Oct | Converts an (unsigned) integer to octal form |
MnDNSHostAddressList | Returns a list of IP addresses associated with a given host name |
MnDNSHostName | Returns the Host Name of a given IP address |
MnErrorFromValueWithBracketedError | Returns the error element of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term |
MnExtractFromArray | Returns an extract from an array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromBooleanArray | Returns an extract from a Boolean array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromDateArray | Returns an extract from a Date array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromIntegerArray | Returns an extract from an Integer array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnExtractFromStringArray | Returns an extract from a String array consisting of some consecutive elements of that array |
MnFFT | Returns the (complex number) Fast Fourier Transform of an array of n complex numbers (n must be a power of 2) |
MnHex2Dec | Converts a string in hexadecimal form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnIndexNonBlankStringArray | Returns an array containing where in Index the entries in ArrayToBeIndexed appear |
MnInsertIntoArray | Inserts a single entry into an array at a particular position within the input array |
MnLibraryVersion | Returns the version of the website function library currently accessible through the website |
MnLibraryVersionMessage | Returns a message relating to the library version currently available |
MnLinearInterpolation | Returns a linearly interpolated value |
MnMyBrowserFeature | Returns a specific feature of the browser (client) calling this function |
MnMyBrowserFeatures | Returns all recognised features of the browser (client) calling this function |
MnMyIPAddress | Returns the IP address of the computer accessing the website |
MnMyIPRequestVariables | Returns all the request variables sent by the host computer when accessing the website |
MnMyProxyIPAddress | (Usually) returns the IP address of the original computer accessing the website via a proxy server |
MnNonNegativeIntegerToBaseNArray | Returns the digits of a non-negative integer in a given number base, in order of increasing powers of that number base |
MnNumberOfDaysInMonth | Returns the number of days in a month |
MnOct2Dec | Converts a string in octal form to an (unsigned) integer |
MnParseBooleanArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseDoubleArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseIntegerArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseStringArrayIntoString | Returns a string formed by entries in the Input array separated by the delimiter |
MnParseStringInto2dBooleanArray | Returns a 2d Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dDateUKArray | Returns a 2d Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dDoubleArray | Returns a 2d Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dIntegerArray | Returns a 2d Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringInto2dStringArray | Returns a 2d String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoBooleanArray | Returns a Boolean array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoDateUKArray | Returns a Date array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoDoubleArray | Returns a Double array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoIntegerArray | Returns an Integer array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnParseStringIntoStringArray | Returns a String array the entries of which are delimited in a single string |
MnPolyInterp | Returns a polynomial interpolated value |
MnRecognisedBrowserFeatures | Returns a list of the recognised browser features that can be used in MyBrowserFeature |
MnRecognisedSearchSpiders | Returns a list of websites and names associated by the Nematrian website with search spiders |
MnRestateYieldOrDiscount | Converts interest rates between annualisation conventions |
MnReverseArray | Returns an array with the order of the elements of the original (numerical) array reversed |
MnReverseBooleanArray | Returns a Boolean array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseDateArray | Returns a Date array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseIntegerArray | Returns an Integer array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnReverseStringArray | Returns a String array with the order of the elements of the original array reversed |
MnSearchForSearchSpiders | Returns the name of a search engine website/name if there is one in the input string |
MnSessionIdExpires | Returns the date / time when the relevant SessionId expires |
MnSlice2dArray | Returns a vector array that a cross-sectional slice from a two dimensional array |
MnStringToBaseNArray | Returns a digit array representation of an unsigned integer given by a string in a given number base |
MnUnivariatePolynomialMultiply | Returns an array characterising the product of two polynomials |
MnValueFromValueWithBracketedError | Returns the 'base' value of a measurement expressed with a bracketed error term |