Stable Distributions

2. Parameterisation of stable distributions

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2.1          As noted in Section 1 any specific stable distributional form is characterised by four parameters . Nolan (2005) notes that there are multiple definitions used in the literature regarding what these parameters mean. He focuses there on two, which he denotes by  and , that are differentiated according to the meaning given to . The first is the one that he concentrates on, because it has better numerical behaviour and intuitive meaning, but the second is more commonly used in the literature. We call the former the ‘0-parameterisation’ and the latter the ‘1-parameterisation’ in these pages.


2.2          In either of these descriptions:


(a)     is the index of the distribution, also known as the index of stability or characteristic exponent, and must be in the range . The constant  in the formula in Section 1.3 must be of the form ;


(b)    is the skewness of the distribution and must be in the range . If  then the distribution is symmetric, if  then it is skewed to the right and if  then it is skewed to the left;


(c)     is a scale parameter and can be any positive number; and


(d)    is a location parameter, shifting the distribution right if  and left if .


2.3In either description, the distributional form is normally defined via the distribution’s characteristic function, i.e. the (complex) function , where  is the expectation operator. Nolan (2005) uses the following definitions:


(a)    A random variable  is  if it has characteristic function



(b)   A random variable  is  if it has characteristic function



2.4          The location parameters are related by:






2.5          Nolan (2005) notes that if  then the 0-parameterisation and the 1-parameterisation coincide. When  and  then the parameterisations differ by a shift  which gets infinitely large as . Nolan argues that the 0-parameterisation is a better approach because it is jointly continuous in all four parameters, but accepts that the 1-parameterisation is simpler algebraically, so is unlikely to disappear from the literature.


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