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Function Description

Returns the mean-variance ‘resampled efficient’ portfolio, and its risk and return characteristics, for a given risk-reward trade-off. The risks and returns are those derived on the basis of the original (overall) ForecastReturns etc., from which the simulations are derived, rather than the ones being assumed in any particular simulation to be the correct values to use.


Additionally provides a range of percentile points for the simulated distribution of each individual portfolio component, if CalculatePercentiles is set to true, the percentiles are those passed to the function using the PercentilePoints array.


Output is in the form of n different asset mixes, then the sum of these asset mixes (which is usually constrained to equal 1), then the return and risk of the portfolio mix, then for each percentile point a value for each asset category derived from the simulated distribution of the size of that particular asset exposure for that particular risk-reward trade-off.


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Output type / Parameter details

Output type: Double()
Parameter NameVariable TypeDescription
MinimumRiskPortfolioDouble()Vector characterising the benchmark, i.e. minimum risk portfolio (n terms)
LambdaDoubleRisk aversion parameter
ForecastReturnsDouble()Vector of assumed returns from different assets (n terms)
ForecastRisksDouble()Vector of assumed risks (volatilities) of different assets (n terms)
ForecastCorrelationsDouble()Array of assumed correlations between different assets (n x n terms)
LowerBoundsDouble()Vector containing the lower bounds on portfolio weights (n terms)
ConstraintMatrixDouble()Array containing the constraint coefficients applicable to the problem (m x n terms)
ConstraintLimitsDouble()Vector containing the constraint limits applicable to the problem (m terms)
ConstraintTypesInteger()Vector containing constraint types (-ve is a less than constraint, 0 is an equals constraint and +ve is a greater than) (m terms)
NoSimulationsIntegerNumber of simulations used in resampling
NoReturnsIntegerNumber of return observations assumed to be providing original input parameters
CalculatePercentilesBooleanFlag indicating whether to calculate percentiles of simulated distribution of asset exposures
PercentilePointsDouble()Percentile points used if CalculatePercentiles is TRUE
UsePrecomputedUniformRVsBooleanFlag indicating if use precomputed random variables in simulation
PrecomputedUniformRVsDouble()Precomputed (uniform) random variables used if UsePrecomputedUniformRVs is TRUE

Links to:

-          Interactively run function

-          Interactive instructions

-          Example calculation

-          Output type / Parameter details

-          Illustrative spreadsheet

-          Other Portfolio optimisation functions

-          Computation units used

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