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Function Description

Returns the results of a two factor Analysis of Variance (with replication), given an input array, InputArray, which needs to be of length n1 x n2, where n1 is the number of groups of data and n2 is the number of observations for each group, with the groups further subdivided into sub-groups, the (string) values of which are contained in the array SubGroups.


The output is as a numeric array with 3 rows and 6 columns, as follows (akin to that supplied by the Data Analysis Toolpack available via Microsoft Excel):


Rows: Applicable ANOVA component, here


-          Row 1: sample

-          Row 2: columns

-          Row 3: interaction

-          Row 4: within (sub)groups

-          Row 5: total


Columns: Various relevant outputs:


-          Col 1: SS = Sum of squared deviations for applicable ANOVA component

-          Col 2: df = Degrees of freedom for applicable ANOVA component

-          Col 3: MS = SS/df (for Rows 1 – 4 only)

-          Col 4: F statistic, i.e. MS for applicable ANOVA component divided by MS for within group (Rows 1 – 3 only)

-          Col 5: P-value from F distribution applicable to the F statistic (Rows 1 – 3 only)

-          Col 6: Equivalent critical value of F distribution given degrees of freedom and confidence level Alpha


Contents | Prev | Next

Links to:

-          Interactively run function

-          Interactive instructions

-          Example calculation

-          Output type / Parameter details

-          Illustrative spreadsheet

-          Other Statistical functions

-          Computation units used

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