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Function Description

Returns a vector  that minimises a given penalty function  subject to lower bound constraints of the form  and  further (linear) constraints of the form .


Constraints are coded -1 for , 0 for  and +1 for . For example, if ,  and the additional linear constraints are  and  then:



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Output type / Parameter details

Output type: Double()
Parameter NameVariable TypeDescription
LinearTermsDouble()Vector containing the linear terms in the loss function (n terms)
QuadraticTermsDouble()Array containing the quadratic terms in the loss function (n x n terms)
LowerBoundsDouble()Vector containing the lower bounds on the variables (n terms)
ConstraintMatrixDouble()Array containing the constraint coefficients applicable to the problem (m x n terms)
ConstraintLimitsDouble()Vector containing the constraint limits applicable to the problem (m terms)
ConstraintTypesInteger()Vector containing constraint types (-ve is a less than constraint, 0 is an equals constraint and +ve is a greater than) (m terms)

Links to:

-          Interactively run function

-          Interactive instructions

-          Example calculation

-          Output type / Parameter details

-          Illustrative spreadsheet

-          Other Portfolio optimisation functions

-          Computation units used

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