
Extreme events: Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails - A Summary

This presentation explores the analysis of fat-tailed behaviour, what causes fat-tailed behaviour (including time-variation, crowded trades and selection effects) and portfolio construction in the presence of fat tails. It is based on material in the author’s book ‘Extreme Events: Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails’.

1Extreme Events: Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails
3Analysing fat-tailed behaviour
4Skew(ness), kurtosis and Cornish Fisher
5Joint fat-tailed behaviour
6What causes fat-tailed behaviour?
7Time-varying volatility
8Explains some market index fat tails, particularly on upside
9A longer term phenomenon too
10Crowded trades and selection effects
11Portfolio construction
12Portfolio construction - sensitivities
13Incorporating fat tails - Solution A - simplest
14Incorporating fat tails - Solution B - more sophisticated
16Appendix A: Flaws in Cornish Fisher (and skew/kurtosis
17Appendix B: Selection effects
18Selection effects are potentially very important
19Selection - does it occur in practice?
20Important Information

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