Enterprise Risk Management Formula Book
7. Interest rates and bond pricing
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7.1 Spot and forward rates
is the price at
time 0 of a zero-coupon bond that pays 1 at time
is the spot rate
for the period
, i.e. 0 to
is the
instantaneous forward rate at time 0 for time
are both
continuously compounded) Then:

7.2 Duration,
modified duration, (gross) redemption yield (yield to maturity), credit spread,
option-adjusted spread, annualisation conventions
If a bond gives the holder entitlements to cash flows
at time
is assumed not to be subject to default risk) and has a ‘dirty price’,
then its (gross) redemption yield (yield to maturity) is the (sensible) rate of
interest that equates
with its present
value, i.e.:

Its duration is then
and its modified
duration is
is almost exactly
the same as its PV01, also called DV01.
Its credit spread is the difference between its (gross)
redemption yield and the corresponding yield on a reference security, often a
corresponding government security providing the same cash flows in the event of
non-default. The option-adjusted spread is the corresponding spread taking into
account optionality in the bond in question and/or in the reference bond.
Interest rates may be expressed as
annual rates,
, semi-annual
, quarterly rates,
, monthly rates,
or even
continuously compounded rates,
, where:

The quotation convention of a bond (e.g. ACT/ACT) defines
the amount of accrued interest payable when a bond is bought or sold in between
coupon dates.
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