Web function | Short description of function |
MnCAbs | Returns the absolute value or modulus of a complex number |
MnCAcos | Returns the inverse cosine of a complex number |
MnCAcosh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a complex number |
MnCAcot | Returns the inverse cotangent of a complex number |
MnCAcoth | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number |
MnCAdd | Returns the sum of two complex numbers |
MnCArg | Returns the argument of a complex number |
MnCAsin | Returns the inverse sine of a complex number |
MnCAsinh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number |
MnCAtan | Returns the inverse tangent of a complex number |
MnCAtanh | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number |
MnCConjugate | Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number |
MnCCos | Returns the cosine of a complex number |
MnCCosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number |
MnCCot | Returns the cotangent of a complex number |
MnCCoth | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number |
MnCCsc | Returns the cosecant of a complex number |
MnCDivide | Returns the result of dividing one complex number by another |
MnCExp | Returns the exponential function of a complex number |
MnCGamma | Returns the value of the Gamma function for a complex number |
MnCImag | Returns the imaginary part of a complex number |
MnCLog | Returns the log of a complex number |
MnCMultiply | Returns the product of two complex numbers |
MnCPower | Returns the result of raising one complex number by another |
MnCReal | Returns the real part of a complex number |
MnCSec | Returns the secant of a complex number |
MnCSin | Returns the sine of a complex number |
MnCSinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number |
MnCSqrt | Returns the square root of a complex number |
MnCSubtract | Returns the difference between two complex numbers |
MnCTan | Returns the tangent of a complex number |
MnCTanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number |