
The Nematrian Function Library

Charting Functions

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The Nematrian function library includes a range of tools that are useful for creating charts.


The web functions available include ones set out in the table below. To see a complete list of functions currently available in the Nematrian online toolkit please go to list of types of available functions or complete list of individual functions.


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Web functionShort description of function
MnPlotExpressionReturns a SmartCode for a plot of an expression
MnPlotExpressionsReturns a SmartCode for a plot of several expressions
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientFrontierReturns a SmartCode for a plot of a mean-variance efficient frontier
MnPlotQuadraticEfficientPortfoliosReturns a SmartCode for a plot of the asset mixes underlying a mean-variance efficient frontier
MnPlotStandardisedQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot
MnPlotStandardisedQQWithComparisonsReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot (with optional additional comparisons)
MnPlotStandardisedUpwards1dQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised 'upwards' 1-dimensional quantile-quantile plot
MnPlotWeightedStandardisedQQReturns a SmartCode for a standardised quantile-quantile plot in which different weights are given to different observations
MnPlotXdateYLineChartReturns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving dates and y involving numeric values
MnPlotXYExpressionGeneralReturns a SmartCode for a xy chart with the y series derived from expression evaluations
MnPlotXYLineChartReturns a SmartCode for a xy line chart, with x involving date values and y involving numeric values
MnRecognisedChartLegendDockingsReturns a list of the recognised types of LegendDocking that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesColorsReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesColor that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesLineStylesReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesLineStyle that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter
MnRecognisedChartSeriesTypesReturns a list of the recognised types of SeriesType that can be used in a ChartFormat parameter

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