
The Nematrian Function Library

Calculator-type Functions

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The Nematrian function library includes a range of tools that provide common functions as per an electronic calculator.


The web functions available include ones set out in the table below. To see a complete list of functions currently available in the Nematrian online toolkit please go to list of types of available functions or complete list of individual functions.


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Web functionShort description of function
MnAbsReturns the absolute value of a real number
MnAcosReturns the (principal) arccosine of a real number
MnAddReturns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the '+' operator
MnAsinReturns the (principal) arcsine of a real number
MnAtanReturns the (principal) arctangent of a real number
MnAtan2Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y-coordinates
MnCartesianToPolarReturns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as an array
MnCartesianToPolar2Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as two separate values
MnCeilingRounds a number towards positive infinity
MnCosReturns the cosine of a real number
MnCoshReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a real number
MnCotReturns the cotangent of a real number
MnCothReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a real number
MnCscReturns the cosecant of a real number
MnCschReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of a real number
MnCubeRootReturns the cube root of a (real) number
MnDegreeToRadianReturns the value in radians of an input value in degrees
MnDevSqReturns the sum of the squared deviations of a set of values
MnDivideReturns the result of dividing one number by another. Equivalent to the '/' operator
MnEReturns the base of natural logarithms, i.e. e
MnEQReturns true if two numbers are equal. Equivalent to the '=' operator
MnErfReturns the error function
MnErfcReturns the complementary error function
MnExpReturns the exponential of a real number
MnExponentReturns the exponent of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation)
MnFactorialReturns the factorial of n, i.e. n!
MnFactorialDoubleReturns the double factorial of n
MnFisherReturns the Fisher transform of a value
MnFisherInvReturns the inverse Fisher transform of a value
MnFloorRounds a number towards negative infinity
MnFrequencyReturns the number of entries with DataValues that fall within different bins as defined by BinValues
MnFromImproperFractionReturns a number corresponding to the input improper fraction
MnFromProperFractionReturns a number corresponding to the input proper fraction
MnFromSexagesimalReturns the value corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number
MnGCDReturns the greatest common divisor of two strictly positive integers
MnGCDExtendedReturns an array containing the greatest common divisor and the two Bezout coefficients of two strictly positive integers
MnGeoMeanReturns the geometric mean of a set of values
MnGTReturns true if x>y. Equivalent to the '>' operator
MnGTEReturns true if x>=y. Equivalent to the '>=' operator
MnHarMeanReturns the harmonic mean of a set of values
MnIifReturns b if a is true, otherwise returns c
MnIntRounds a number towards negative infinity
MnIsEvenReturns true if x (integral) is even otherwise false
MnIsOddReturns true if x (integral) is odd otherwise false
MnIsPowerOf2Indicates if n is an integral power of 2
MnLCMReturns the least common multiple of two strictly positive integers
MnLogReturns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number
MnLog10Returns the logarithm to base 10 of a (real, positive) number
MnLogBaseNReturns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number in an arbitrary (real, positve) base
MnLogSeriesReturns the result of applying natural logarithms to the series entries
MnLTReturns true if x<y. Equivalent to the '<' operator
MnLTEReturns true if x<=y. Equivalent to the '<=' operator
MnMantissaReturns the mantissa of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation)
MnMaxReturns the maximum of two values
MnMinReturns the minimum of two values
MnMinusReturns the result of taking one number away from another. Equivalent to the '-' operator
MnMultiplyReturns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the '*' operator
MnNEReturns true if two numbers are not equal. Equivalent to the '<>' operator
MnNthRootReturns the n'th root of a (real) number
MnPercentReturns the value of x per cent (i.e. 0.01 times x)
MnPiReturns the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, i.e. pi
MnPolarToCartesianReturns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as an array
MnPolarToCartesian2Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as two separate values
MnPowerReturns x to the power y
MnProductReturns the product of a set of values
MnRadianToDegreeReturns the value in degrees of an input value in radians
MnRecognisedPhysicalUnitsReturns an array of the physical units recognised by the website for unit conversion purposes
MnRoundToNdpReturns the input value, x, rounded to n decimal places
MnRoundToNsfReturns the input value, x, rounded to n significant figures
MnSecReturns the secant of a real number
MnSechReturns the hyperbolic secant of a real number
MnSeriesSumReturns the sum of a power series
MnSignReturns the sign of a real number
MnSimplifyFractionReturns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given an array containing a then b (a and b integral)
MnSimplifyFraction2Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given separate inputs for a and b (a and b integral)
MnSinReturns the sine of a real number
MnSinhReturns the hyperbolic sine of a real number
MnSqrtReturns the square root of a (real non-negative) number
MnSqrtPiReturns the square root of (InputValue times pi)
MnSumReturns the sum of a set of values
MnSumProductReturns the sum of the product of two sets of values
MnSumSqReturns the sum of the squares of a set of values
MnSumX2MY2Returns the sum of the differences of the squares of two sets of values
MnSumX2PY2Returns the sum of the sums of the squares of two sets of values
MnSumXMY2Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between two sets of values
MnTanReturns the tangent of a real number
MnTanhReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a real number
MnToSexagesimalReturns an array corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number
MnTruncateRounds a number towards 0
MnUminusReturns -x. Equivalent to the unitary '-' operator
MnUplusReturns +x. Equivalent to the unitary '+' operator

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