Web function | Short description of function |
MnAbs | Returns the absolute value of a real number |
MnAcos | Returns the (principal) arccosine of a real number |
MnAdd | Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the '+' operator |
MnAsin | Returns the (principal) arcsine of a real number |
MnAtan | Returns the (principal) arctangent of a real number |
MnAtan2 | Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y-coordinates |
MnCartesianToPolar | Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as an array |
MnCartesianToPolar2 | Returns the point in polar coordinates given input in Cartesian coordinates as two separate values |
MnCeiling | Rounds a number towards positive infinity |
MnCos | Returns the cosine of a real number |
MnCosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a real number |
MnCot | Returns the cotangent of a real number |
MnCoth | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a real number |
MnCsc | Returns the cosecant of a real number |
MnCsch | Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a real number |
MnCubeRoot | Returns the cube root of a (real) number |
MnDegreeToRadian | Returns the value in radians of an input value in degrees |
MnDevSq | Returns the sum of the squared deviations of a set of values |
MnDivide | Returns the result of dividing one number by another. Equivalent to the '/' operator |
MnE | Returns the base of natural logarithms, i.e. e |
MnEQ | Returns true if two numbers are equal. Equivalent to the '=' operator |
MnErf | Returns the error function |
MnErfc | Returns the complementary error function |
MnExp | Returns the exponential of a real number |
MnExponent | Returns the exponent of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation) |
MnFactorial | Returns the factorial of n, i.e. n! |
MnFactorialDouble | Returns the double factorial of n |
MnFisher | Returns the Fisher transform of a value |
MnFisherInv | Returns the inverse Fisher transform of a value |
MnFloor | Rounds a number towards negative infinity |
MnFrequency | Returns the number of entries with DataValues that fall within different bins as defined by BinValues |
MnFromImproperFraction | Returns a number corresponding to the input improper fraction |
MnFromProperFraction | Returns a number corresponding to the input proper fraction |
MnFromSexagesimal | Returns the value corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number |
MnGCD | Returns the greatest common divisor of two strictly positive integers |
MnGCDExtended | Returns an array containing the greatest common divisor and the two Bezout coefficients of two strictly positive integers |
MnGeoMean | Returns the geometric mean of a set of values |
MnGT | Returns true if x>y. Equivalent to the '>' operator |
MnGTE | Returns true if x>=y. Equivalent to the '>=' operator |
MnHarMean | Returns the harmonic mean of a set of values |
MnIif | Returns b if a is true, otherwise returns c |
MnInt | Rounds a number towards negative infinity |
MnIsEven | Returns true if x (integral) is even otherwise false |
MnIsOdd | Returns true if x (integral) is odd otherwise false |
MnIsPowerOf2 | Indicates if n is an integral power of 2 |
MnLCM | Returns the least common multiple of two strictly positive integers |
MnLog | Returns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number |
MnLog10 | Returns the logarithm to base 10 of a (real, positive) number |
MnLogBaseN | Returns the natural logarithm of a (real, positive) number in an arbitrary (real, positve) base |
MnLogSeries | Returns the result of applying natural logarithms to the series entries |
MnLT | Returns true if x<y. Equivalent to the '<' operator |
MnLTE | Returns true if x<=y. Equivalent to the '<=' operator |
MnMantissa | Returns the mantissa of a real number (as in how it is expressed in scientific notation) |
MnMax | Returns the maximum of two values |
MnMin | Returns the minimum of two values |
MnMinus | Returns the result of taking one number away from another. Equivalent to the '-' operator |
MnMultiply | Returns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the '*' operator |
MnNE | Returns true if two numbers are not equal. Equivalent to the '<>' operator |
MnNthRoot | Returns the n'th root of a (real) number |
MnPercent | Returns the value of x per cent (i.e. 0.01 times x) |
MnPi | Returns the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, i.e. pi |
MnPolarToCartesian | Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as an array |
MnPolarToCartesian2 | Returns the point in Cartesian coordinates given input in polar coordinates as two separate values |
MnPower | Returns x to the power y |
MnProduct | Returns the product of a set of values |
MnRadianToDegree | Returns the value in degrees of an input value in radians |
MnRecognisedPhysicalUnits | Returns an array of the physical units recognised by the website for unit conversion purposes |
MnRoundToNdp | Returns the input value, x, rounded to n decimal places |
MnRoundToNsf | Returns the input value, x, rounded to n significant figures |
MnSec | Returns the secant of a real number |
MnSech | Returns the hyperbolic secant of a real number |
MnSeriesSum | Returns the sum of a power series |
MnSign | Returns the sign of a real number |
MnSimplifyFraction | Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given an array containing a then b (a and b integral) |
MnSimplifyFraction2 | Returns the fraction a/b converted to a canonical simplified form given separate inputs for a and b (a and b integral) |
MnSin | Returns the sine of a real number |
MnSinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a real number |
MnSqrt | Returns the square root of a (real non-negative) number |
MnSqrtPi | Returns the square root of (InputValue times pi) |
MnSum | Returns the sum of a set of values |
MnSumProduct | Returns the sum of the product of two sets of values |
MnSumSq | Returns the sum of the squares of a set of values |
MnSumX2MY2 | Returns the sum of the differences of the squares of two sets of values |
MnSumX2PY2 | Returns the sum of the sums of the squares of two sets of values |
MnSumXMY2 | Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between two sets of values |
MnTan | Returns the tangent of a real number |
MnTanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a real number |
MnToSexagesimal | Returns an array corresponding to the sexagesimal representation of a number |
MnTruncate | Rounds a number towards 0 |
MnUminus | Returns -x. Equivalent to the unitary '-' operator |
MnUplus | Returns +x. Equivalent to the unitary '+' operator |