
The Nematrian Function Library

String Manipulation Functions

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The Nematrian function library includes a range of tools that provide common string manipulation functions as per a spreadsheet or programming language environment.


The web functions available include ones set out in the table below. To see a complete list of functions currently available in the Nematrian online toolkit please go to list of types of available functions or complete list of individual functions.


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Web functionShort description of function
MnAscReturns the (Ascii) character code of the first character of InputString
MnBinaryNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the binary numerals
MnChrReturns the character corresponding to the (Ascii) character code CharCode
MnConcatReturns the concatenation of two (string) values. Equivalent to the '&' operator
MnConcatenateReturns the concatenation of all of the entries in InputStringArray
MnDecimalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the decimal numerals
MnFilterReturns a string array containing a filtered selection of elements of a string array
MnFormatReturns InputValue as a string using Microsoft formatting conventions
MnFormatNumberReturns InputValue as a string with a given format
MnFormatPercentReturns InputValue expressed as a percentage and as a string with a given format
MnGetCharReturns the character at CharPosition in InputString
MnHexadecimalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the hexadecimal numerals
MnInStrReturns the position in a string where a given match string is first found
MnInStrPartReturns the position in a string where a given match string is first found, starting part way through the string
MnInStrRevReturns the position in a string where a given match string is last found
MnInStrRevPartReturns the position in a string where a given match string is last found, ending part way through the string
MnIsAlphabeticReturns true if all the characters of s are alphabetic
MnIsAlphanumericReturns true if all the characters of s are alphanumeric
MnJoinReturns a string formed by joining substrings contained in an array, consecutive substrings separated by the delimiter
MnLCaseReturns the lower case equivalent of InputString
MnLeftReturns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left hand end of a string
MnLenReturns the length of InputString
MnLSetReturns a left aligned version of InputString
MnLTrimReturns InputString but without any leading spaces
MnMidReturns a string containing a specified number of consecutive characters from within a string
MnOctalNumeralsReturns a string array containing a list of the octal numerals
MnProperCapitalizes (converts to uppercase) the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter and converts all other letters to lowercase letters
MnRemoveAllInstancesOfStringFromStringReturns a string which has had all instances of another string removed from it
MnRepeatStringRepeats a string n times
MnReplaceReturns a string in which some substrings are replaced by others
MnRightReturns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right hand end of a string
MnRSetReturns a right aligned version of InputString
MnRTrimReturns InputString but without any trailing spaces
MnSpaceReturns a string consisting of n spaces
MnSplitReturns a string array that splits up the InputString into elements which had been separated by the Delimiter
MnStrReturns a string representation of InputValue
MnStrCompIndicates whether InputString1 is less than (-1), equal to (0) or greater than (+1) InputString2
MnStrReverseReturns InputString but with order of characters reversed
MnTrimReturns InputString but without any leading and trailing spaces
MnUCaseReturns the upper case equivalent of InputString
MnValConverts InputString to a number, if possible

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