Solvency II Standard Formula SCR: Life Underwriting Risk Module – Correlations

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In the standard formula SCR computation individual sub-component capital charges (or individual component charges) are typically aggregated using a correlation coefficient based approach. This involves calculating the overall charge using a formula along the lines, where  is the capital charge for a given component element:



In the case of the life risk module, the correlations proposed have changed as the consultation process has developed, with different ones proposed in QIS4, CP74 and in the final Level 2 guidance developed in response to feedback on CP74. The ones eventually implemented in the Solvency II Delegated Act appear in effect to be the same as those in CP74, but reordered.


The Nematrian website makes available the following tools to help manipulate these correlations:


(a)    MnSolvencyII_SCRSFStressSetNames. Indicates acceptable stress set names (e.g. “DA” for the correlations contained in the Delegated Act).


(b)   MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeStressNames. Indicates acceptable stress names for a given StressSetName, e.g. ‘mortality’ and ‘longevity’.


(c)    MnSolvencyII_SCRSFLifeCorrs. Provides an array containing the correlation matrix. If there are  different stress names then is an array with  terms, ordered consistently with the ordering of the stress names given in (b).


(d)   MnSolvencyII_SCRSFCombineStresses. Combines different stresses using the correlation matrix and stress names as above. Works for other sub-modules as well as the life risk module.


Version dated 7 December 2015


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