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Function Description

Returns the inverse (i.e. quantile function) of the chi-squared distribution. Provided for compatibility with CHISQ.INV function in Microsoft Excel 2010 and later.


Note MnChiInv(q) = CHIINV(q) = CHISQ.INV.RT(q) = CHISQ.INV(1-q) and CHISQ.INV(q) = MnChiSqInv(q)


Please also bear in mind that the Nematrian website functions relating to the chi-squared distribution accept non-integral values of nu whereas the Excel functions are limited to integral values.


Equivalent to calling MnProbDistQuantile using as the distribution parameter “chi-squared”.


Contents | Prev | Next

Links to:

-          Interactively run function

-          Interactive instructions

-          Example calculation

-          Output type / Parameter details

-          Illustrative spreadsheet

-          Other Statistical functions

-          Computation units used

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