
Solar-powered space flight

1. Introduction and Conclusions

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1.1          Solar power is routinely used to provide on-board power for space vehicles. However, it is rarely used for actual propulsion purposes. Instead, nearly all space vehicles currently use chemical rocketry. This is despite solar power being plentiful in space (at least in the vicinity of the earth).


1.2          The aim of this paper is to analyse the practicality or otherwise of solar-powered space vehicles that deliberately aim to use solar power for propulsion purposes for as much as possible of a vehicle’s trajectory. Almost certainly, such a vehicle would need to employ chemical rocketry in its early pre-orbital trajectory, to lift itself high enough to limit atmospheric drag. So, in practice our aim is to analyse the use of solar-powered propulsion in a vehicle’s late pre-orbital trajectory phase, for orbital transfer and for any subsequent post-orbital trajectory. Ideally, we would use the same solar power collector arrangement in each phase, to minimise the mass of the propulsion system and to make the vehicle as reusable as possible.


1.3          We do this by describing a ‘concept’ vehicle that uses a two-mirror collector arrangement with optical characteristics that ought to be particularly attractive for this purpose. Such a vehicle would undoubtedly be quite flimsy, and some of the practical engineering challenges that this would introduce are ignored, with focus instead being on some of the more fundamental challenges that such vehicle would face irrespective of how well it was manufactured.


1.4          Hopefully this paper will stimulate others to consider further the potential for solar-powered space flight. Its overall conclusions are:


(a)    There appears to be a big disparity between currently available component performance for solar-powered thrust in space and what ought theoretically to be achievable. Without some bridging of this gap, usage of any form of solar-powered thrust in space may remain limited.


(b)   Longer-term, if component performance can reach closer to what ought theoretically to be achievable then solar-powered propulsion may have a bright future. With big enough component improvements, solar-powered space propulsion should become practical for late pre-orbital, orbital transfer and post-orbital flight, and particularly when a flight involves all three, since the same collector arrangement can be used in all three of these stages.


(c)    The ideal size for ultra-low mass optical concentrators for use in space is probably of the order of at least   where  is a tension sufficient to keep the concentrator taut but not so great as to cause inelastic deformation,  is the effective acceleration being generated by thrust and  is the average density of the thin film. Vehicles aiming to use solar power for late pre-orbital flight seem likely to be broadly consistent with this design characteristic. Current astronautical optical concentrators, being quite small and typically designed to operate in essentially zero  environments, are typically too small to satisfy this design criterion.


1.5          A major technical challenge faced by such a vehicle would be the need to keep a large thin-film mirror accurately positioned during flight. Based purely on experience to date with (relatively modest sized) optical concentrators in a zero  environment, it might be considered impractical to construct a large ultra-low mass concentrator that achieves the desired position accuracy when undergoing the appreciable accelerations applicable to any pre-orbital use of solar power. But this is not necessarily sound logic. This paper argues that it ought to be easier to achieve the desired position accuracy with the proposed vehicle design in its pre-orbital trajectory (when very approximately the vehicle might be in a roughly  environment) than it would be for a smaller optical concentrator in an essentially zero  environment.


1.6          Another major technical challenge is posed by atmospheric drag. Once the concept vehicle unfurled its solar power collector, atmospheric drag would be proportional to the cross-sectional area of the solar power collector (which would by necessity be large). Therefore atmospheric drag cannot be ignored except in deep space. However, careful optimisation of the flight speed and trajectory, following a conventional rocket launch to lift the vehicle above the lower atmosphere, may be able to mitigate this problem rather more than might be expected, because atmospheric drag is also proportional to the square of the vehicle’s velocity.


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