
Old-Style SmartChart

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Chart for www.nematrian.com/ExtremeEventsFigure2_22.aspx

SmartUtility details

SmartUtility (which you can copy and paste into a new document, or paste merely the picture if you do not want to retain other components of the SmartChart) Chart for www.nematrian.com/ExtremeEventsFigure2_22.aspx
SmartCode (xxxx in http://www.nematrian.com/Smart....aspx?c=xxxx) 00000000aaac0022
SmartUtility type SmartChart

Creator details/comments

Comment regarding SmartUtility QQ-plot of FTSE All-Share daily price movements from early 1968 to 24 March 2009
Creator Name www.nematrian.com (www.nematrian.com)
Limited Access? No
SmartUList indicating who has access N/A
Date/time created or last edited 3/27/2012 4:15:29 AM

Creator's chosen reference website

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