
Risk Attribution

1. Introduction

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1.1          Traditionally, risk attribution (if the risk model is characterised by a covariance matrix) proceeds as follows. We assume that there are n different instruments in the universe in question. We assume that the portfolio and benchmark weights can be represented by vectors  and  respectively. The active positions are then . If the risk model is characterised in the parsimonious manner involving a factor covariance matrix, , and a sparce idiosyncratic matrix, , e.g. as described in Kemp (2009), then . The matrix describing the covariance structure between factors, i.e.  corresponds to a projection of an n dimensional space onto a smaller m dimensional space.


1.2          Factors might be further grouped into one of, say,  different factor types, using what we might call a factor classification, , i.e. a  projection matrix that has the property that each underlying factor is apportioned across one or more ‘super’ factor types. By apportioned we mean that if  corresponds to the exposure that the j’th factor has to the k’th factor type then the sum of these exposures  for any given factor is unity, i.e. .


1.3          Usually such a factor classification (at least in equity-land) would involve unit disjoint elements, i.e. each factor would be associated with a single ‘super’ factor type. For example, equity sector classification structures are usually hierarchical, so each industry subgroup is part of a (single) overall market sector. More generally, factors might be apportioned across more than one factor type. The aggregate (relative) exposure to the different factor types is then, in matrix algebra terms, equal to .


1.4          To decompose (or ‘attribute’) the tracking error into its main contributors it is usual to decompose the tracking error, , in the manner described in Kemp (2005), Kemp (2009) or Heywood, Marsland and Morrison (2003), i.e. in line with partial differentials (scaled if necessary by a uniform factor so that the total adds up to the total tracking error). For example, if the aim is to identify the risk contribution coming from each individual security then we might calculate the marginal contribution to tracking error, , and the contribution to tracking error, , from the i’th instrument as follows:



1.5          This has , so the sum of the individual contributions assigned to each instrument is the total tracking error of the portfolio. Simetimes writers instead focus on decomposing the variance rather than the standard deviation. However the answers are the same up to a scaling factor. This is to be expected since for any two functions,  and  with first differentials  and  we have , i.e. the vector of partial differentials is the same, up to a scaling factor for all functions of same underlying risk measure. Variance and standard deviation in this context relate to the ‘same’ underlying risk measure, since variance is the square of standard deviation.


1.6          We can group the  in whatever manner we like, as long as each relative position is assigned to a unique grouping or if it is split across several groupings then in aggregate a unit contribution arises from it.


1.7          For example, suppose that we have a classification described by the  matrix  with elements  being the contribution that the i’th instrument makes to the q’th classification. As it is a classification it needs to satisfy  so , i.e. grouping in this manner is equivalent to calculating  where .


1.8          A special case of such a classification would be to calculate the contribution to risk from a given issuer (rather than a given instrument), e.g. for a bond portfolio, where   would be 1 if issue  is issued by issuer  and 0 otherwise.


1.9          The above approach calculates a single overall contribution to tracking error for each individual instrument (and then if necessary groups them). For bond risk analysis (and also in some instances for equity risk analysis) it may be more illuminating to subdivide these instrument specific contributions into several different sub-elements, each one relating to a given factor type. These factor types might be, say, currency, interest rate (duration), credit, sector, other factors and idiosyncratic.


1.10        To do this we need to subdivide  into several different elements, which cumulatively add up to , each relating to a different factor type, i.e. we define, say,  each of which are  matrices, which have the property that the ’th element of  is calculated as  for a given factor classification . The sum of the  for all  is then . We can then decompose the marginal contributions to tracking error into the following, where  and :



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