
HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript Statement: strict mode and the “use strict” directive

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The "use strict" statement (more precisely a ‘directive’ or literal expression) indicates the relevant part of the code should be executed in “strict mode”. In strict mode, for example, you cannot use undeclared variables. It was introduced in ECMAScript 2015.


Strict mode is declared by adding "use strict" to the beginning of the script or function to which it applies:


-          If it is declared at the beginning of a script it has global scope (i.e. applies to all code in the script

-          If it is declared inside a function (at its start) then it has local scope (i.e. applies only to code inside the function


Its syntax is designed to be compatible with older versions of JavaScript. Compiling a numerical literal (e.g. 1+2) or a string literal "hello" simply compiles to a non-existent variable, so has no practical impact, so an ‘assignment’ like "use strict" is in effect ignored by older versions of JavaScript.


The main advantage of strict mode is that it makes it easier to write fault-free JavaScript, since it makes it easier to pick up errors that are the result of otherwise bad syntax. Actions that are not allowed in strict mode include:


-          Using a variable without declaring it

-          Using an object without declaring it

-          Deleting a variable, object or function

-          Duplicating a parameter name

-          Octal numeric literals and Octal escape characters

-          Writing to a read-only property

-          Writing to a get-only property

-          Deleting an undeletable property

-          Using the with statement

-          Using eval() to create variables in the scope from which it is called


ECMAScript 2015 also prohibited a range of keywords, some then still to be finalised, from being used as variable names including e.g.: argument, eval , implements, interface, let, package, private, protected, public, static, yield


The this keyword also behaves differently in strict mode. The this keyword refers to the object that called the function. If this object is not specified then in strict mode this will return undefined, whilst in normal (i.e. not strict) mode it will return the global object (i.e. the window).


Code within classes is automatically deemed to be written in strict mode.





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