
Enterprise Risk Management

This presentation, to student actuaries and others at Queen's University Belfast, describes Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and how it fits into some modern regulatory regimes such as Solvency II. It also points towards resources that those studying or applying ERM may find helpful and describes some academic routes that those wishing to pursue a career in this space may find wish to consider.

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1Enterprise Risk Management
2Enterprise Risk Management
3Malcolm Kemp
4Enterprise Risk Management
5Definition of ERM
6Definition of ERM in flowchart form
7Differentiators / key enablers vs. other types of RM
8ERM is about upside as well as downside
9Upside versus downside: the risk management team
10ERM and corporate governance
11Enterprise Risk Management
12ERM within Solvency II and other regulatory regimes
13Solvency II and the ORSA
14ORSA - starts from the top
15ORSA (according to Gabriel Bernardino)
16The ORSA
17The ORSA
18ORSA inputs
19Possible ORSA outcomes could include
20Enterprise Risk Management
21Resources for those studying or applying ERM
22Is (Enterprise) Risk Management quantitative or qualitative?
23What types of ‘risk’ are measurable?
24Measuring risk: quantification typically needs
25Risk quantification
26Imprecise impacts, e.g.
27Imprecise occurrence likelihoods, e.g.
28But other risks may be quantified more precisely
29ERM resources available through the Nematrian website
30Enterprise Risk Management
31Actuaries, ERM and CERA
33Skills that are useful
34Advice for building a career in ERM
36Important Information

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