Advanced ERM Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk
This presentation is based on a part of an academic course on Advanced Enterprise Risk Management (Advanced ERM) titled ‘Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk’ and covers topics such as: Stress testing (and different types of stress testing, including reverse stress testing), ‘macro’ stress testing, Bayesian approaches to stress testing and scenario analysis, liquidity and funding risk, liquidity and the 2007-09 credit crisis, measuring and modelling liquidity and funding risk and liquidity management within firms
1 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
2 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
3 | Stress testing |
4 | Lessons from recent financial crisis |
5 | Additional drivers |
6 | Corollaries: Stress testing is … |
7 | Different meanings given to the term 'stress testing' |
8 | Standardised stress tests |
9 | Solvency II Standard formula SCR stress tests |
10 | Standard formula SCR Risk modules |
11 | Reverse stress testing (1) |
12 | Reverse stress testing (2) |
13 | Additional observations |
14 | Reintroducing higher statistics into stress testing |
15 | Plausibility of stress (1) |
16 | Plausibility of stress (2) |
17 | Worst case scenarios |
18 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
19 | 'Macro' stress testing |
20 | Views of regulators |
21 | Example application to credit risk (1) |
22 | Example application to credit risk (2) |
23 | Illustrative impact on bond payoff distributions |
24 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
25 | Bayesian stress testing |
26 | Example |
27 | Example ctd. |
28 | Identifying feasible correlations |
29 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
30 | Liquidity and the 2007-09 Credit Crisis |
31 | Liquidity feedback and pricing uncertainty |
32 | Definitions of liquidity risk (1) |
33 | Definitions of liquidity risk (2) |
34 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
35 | Measuring liquidity risk |
36 | Incorporating liquidity in asset / liability models |
37 | Liquidity horizons (1) |
38 | Session 6: Stress testing and Measuring, managing and mitigating liquidity and funding risk |
39 | Developments in liquidity management |
40 | Liquidity ladders |
41 | Scenario analyses |
42 | Limits, contingencies, reporting |
43 | Addressing weaknesses highlighted by credit crisis |
44 | Earlier Federal Reserve guidance |
45 | Pricing net operating cash flow needs |
46 | Liquidation of / adjustment in assets |
47 | Generation of liabilities |
48 | Capital raising |
49 | Areas for improvement |
50 | Completeness of managed liquidity positions (1) |
51 | Completeness of managed liquidity positions (2) |
52 | Liquidity analysis and cash flow modelling |
53 | Calibration of stress scenarios |
54 | Liquidity limit system and its horizon |
55 | External and internal liquidity pricing |
56 | Contingency planning given stress scenarios |
57 | Allocation of responsibilities |
58 | Session 6: Agenda covered |
59 | Important Information |
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